Network of Corruption Prevention Authorities
- uniting efforts to improve the systematic collection, management and exchange of information among anti-corruption authorities, including their respective experiences and good practices;
- supporting the members to enhance capacities and promote operational independence;
- recognizing and promoting international standards for the prevention of corruption;
- stimulating and partnering with other international stakeholders for the promotion of integrity.
- Technical Guide / Codes of conduct: EN - FR
- Technical Guide / Transparency
- Guidance on facilitation payments: EN - FR - ES - PT
- Global Mapping of Anti-Corruption Authorities: EN - FR
- Perception of Corruption as a Tool to Prevent Corruption
- Newsletter
- Guide on Gender and Corruption
- Annual report 2022
- National anti-corruption strategies and plans: the importance of common features and shared challenges in the richness of diversity of national responses
- Guide on best practices in using cooling-off periods and preventing conflicts of interest