Back Final Steering Committee of Council of Europe project to combat VAW and DV

Final Steering Committee of Council of Europe project to combat VAW and DV

The final Steering Committee meeting of the project, "Promoting an integrated approach to end violence against women and promote gender equality in Georgia," took place on 12th of December 2023 to review past accomplishments and unveil a comprehensive new project plan with a focus on eradicating violence against women and domestic violence and fostering gender equality.

Representatives of state partner organisations as well as representative of the NGOs attended the meeting. It was opened by the Project manager, Ségolène Chesneau, who underlined the importance of the cooperation with stakeholders, expressed her gratitude for the fruitful partnership and reminded of the Council of Europe’s readiness to continue supporting Georgian authorities.

In her opening remarks Ms. Eliso Shonia, the deputy head of the Human Rights Department of the Government Administration of Georgia said: “The Council of Europe has been our loyal partner throughout the years, especially when it comes to tackling gender-based violence, which is still a challenge despite all the progress that has been made with the involvement of all stakeholders. This project was an example of our effective cooperation and has contributed to enhanced criminal justice capacities for combating violence against women, as well as awareness raising of various target groups.”

Mariam Jajanidze, Senior Project manager presented the activities that have been implemented during the final year of the project. She reflected on the successes of previous initiatives, highlighting collaborative efforts that have contributed significantly to the promotion of gender equality. Past activities included awareness-raising campaigns, capacity building programs, and policy advocacy that collectively contributed to the reinforcement of the 4 pillars of the Istanbul Convention: prevention of violence, protection of victims, prosecution of perpetrators, and integration of coordinated policies.

“This project has an impact on the three main directions that are necessary for success - proper legislation, effective tools and qualified professionals. In all three directions, this project works and works well. There is never enough achieved, there is never too much education, and thus we are still willing and ready to cooperate to strengthen the prosecutors' abilities”. Said Mirian Megrelishvili, the Head of the Strategic Development Unit of the General Prosecutor Office.

Participants also had the opportunity to learn about the new, upcoming project and its main directions, that later will be discussed bilaterally with every partner institution.

"It is crucial to strategically plan and execute additional preventive measures, and I am pleased that the project will persist in this endeavour. Facilitating increased involvement of non-governmental organization representatives in activities aimed at strengthening preventive measures would be essential," noted Fati Chaphichadze, human rights protection program analyst, Georgian Young Lawyers Association.

The Steering Committee members expressed confidence in the transformative potential of the new project plan. Representatives emphasised the importance of collective action in creating a country where violence against women is eradicated, and gender equality is not just a goal but a reality.


The meeting was organised in the framework of the Council of Europe Project “Promoting an Integrated Approach to End Violence against Women and Enhancing Gender Equality in Georgia".

Tbilisi, Georgia 12 December 2023
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