Back Committee of Ministers takes note of report on the review of CM REC(2010)05

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Committee of Ministers takes note of report on the review of CM REC(2010)05

On 16 September 2020, the Committee of Ministers took note of the a report on the implementation of the Committee of Ministers Recommendation to Member States on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity (+ French version).

The Recommendation advocates the full enjoyment of all human rights by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons. It establishes that discrimination and social exclusion on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity must be overcome by measures targeted both at those who experience such discrimination or exclusion, and the population at large. The Recommendation is the first international instrument dealing specifically with discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

The report was prepared by the Council of Europe Steering Committee on Human Rights (CDDH) with support by the SOGI Unit. It is based on replies from Member States to a questionnaire on policy measures and examples of good practice related to the implementation of the Recommendation. The questionnaire itself was drafted in collaboration with the European LGBTI Focal Points Network, in close consultation with civil society, and several civil society organisations provided their own replies.

The Committee of Ministers encouraged continued efforts by member states to implement the recommendation, and the organisation, upon request, of assistance and capacity building activities to facilitate their implementation. It was also agreed that the Committee of Ministers will return to the issue of the general review of implementation of the provisions of the recommendation in due course.

The Report provides up-to-date, comprehensive information on the implementation of the Recommendation in Member States and provides a useful overview of the state of play in Europe. It will enable the SOGI Unit to identify the main priorities for the years to come and guide its technical assistance activities.

Strasbourg, France 16 September 2020
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