Reports and guides
Pregled dobrih praksi za rješavanje pitanja trgovine ljudima u svrhu radne eksploatacije (B/H/S)
The Phenomenon of Child Trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Stručno uputstvo o sprečavanju i borbi protiv trgovine ljudima u svrhu radne eksploatacije (B/H/S)
Assessing the age of children at risk of trafficking in human beings in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Labour trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina: risk factors, trends and challenges
Informativna brošura o rizicima od trgovine ljudima u svrhu radnog iskorištavanja u inostranstvu (BOS SRP HR)
GRETA 2022 - third evaluation report for BiH
Preventing and combating trafficking in human beings in Bosnia and Herzegovina – action leaflet
Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022 leaflet
Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022 booklet
The Expertise co-ordination mechanism leaflet
Leaflet Novi put
Leaflet of Association „Lara“ on trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour exploitation
Leaflet of International Forum of Solidarity EMMAUS for Health Professionals
Video: (BOS) - Campaign STOP modern slavery (2020) – Foundation Lara
Video 1: (BOS) - Campaign #CheckFirst – Association Ja bih u EU
Video 2: (BOS) - Campaign #CheckFirst – Association Ja bih u EU
Video 3: (BOS) - Campaign #CheckFirst – Association Ja bih u EU
Video: (BOS) – Campaign Stop child trafficking – Association Novi put
Video: (BOS) – Campaign Awareness raising campaign on trafficking in children – International Forum of Solidarity EMMAUS
Other resources
Strategy for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2020-2023
Action Plan of the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the implementation of the Strategy against Trafficking in Human Beings in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2020-2023
ECHR document: Factsheet on Trafficking in Human Beings,
ECHR document: Case-law guide on Article 4 – Prohibition of slavery and forced labour
ECHR document: Case of Zoletic and Others v. Azerbaijan
Other awareness raising resources
Campaign STOP modern slavery (2020) – Foundation Lara
Facebook page: (BOS)
Campaign #CheckFirst – Association Ja bih u EU
Facebook page: (BOS); Twitter: (BOS); You Tube: BOS
Campaign Stop child trafficking – Association Novi put
Webpage: (BOS); Conference: (BOS); Facebook picture: (BOS); Poster: (BOS)
Campaign Awareness raising campaign on trafficking in children – International Forum of Solidarity EMMAUS
Radio jingle: (BOS); Visuals: forms of child trafficking; forced marriage; sexual exploitation; labour exploitation;
Posters for health professionals: (BOS); Bumpers: forced child labour; report human trafficking; forced marriage
Campaign TOGETHER in the fight against child trafficking, grantee Citizens’ Association “Budućnost” Modriča
Webpage: (BOS); Facebook: (BOS); Facebook post 1 – picture, news, street action: (BOS); Facebook post 2 – picture, news, street action: (BOS); Facebook post 3 (closing conference, online): (BOS); TV report on held public debate in the framework of the campaign in Bijeljina (BOS); Instragram: (BOS); Poster: (BOS); Promotional video (ENG BOS)"; Leaflet (BOS)
Facebook page - Council of Europe Sarajevo Office