Back Visit of the Minister of education from Una-Sana Canton to the Council of Europe Office in Sarajevo

On 1 June, Minister Almin Hopovac and Assistant Minister Almira Ezić from the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Una-Sana Canton visited the Council of Europe Office in Sarajevo, where they met with Bojana Urumova, Head of the Office, and Zorica Lešić, Senior Project Officer from the “Quality education for all” project.  

The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss the ongoing education reform in the Una-Sana Canton and possibilities for further Council of Europe support to this process. Underlining the importance of inclusive education, Ms. Urumova acknowledged the efforts of the Ministry, especially towards inclusion of children on the move in the teaching process. The Council of Europe project team provided information about the implementation of the project “Quality education for all”, highlighting the good work of the primary school “Harmani II” from Bihać, which is one of the 29 pilot schools involved in the project.

Minister Hopovac indicated that the Ministry is currently focusing on reform of the curricula, scheduled to be completed this Autumn. Schools in the Una-Sana canton are undergoing a process of digitalisation and infrastructure upgrade that is aimed at enabling better communication between all actors in the education process. For its part, the Council of Europe will continue to provide its support to the Ministry and other partners in the education sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina.     

The action “Quality education for all” is a part of the joint European Union and the Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”, implemented by the Council of Europe.

Sarajevo 3 June 2022
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