Back Students discuss democratic school culture in a series of online chatrooms

During December more than 140 students from primary and secondary schools across Bosnia and Herzegovina participated in a series of online chatrooms dedicated to enhancing and promoting democratic school culture.


“The communication between teachers and students needs to be improved, and teachers should receive feedback from the students. It is very important that students fully comprehend what is being taught. The teaching process should be adapted for the student. I think this is very important for our education”, explained Ilhana Šoše, one of the participating students from the primary school in Domanovići. The students concluded that the education system has become old-fashioned, and change is necessary. More time should be dedicated to practical classes and extracurricular activities.   


"Our students are delighted with the chatrooms, each one in their own way. Thank you for changing their day-to-day lives at least for a little while and for giving them a new subject to discuss with their peers”, stated Kimeta Buševac, a teacher from a primary school in Srebrenik. A total of three weekly chatrooms have been organised focusing on quality of education and student participation and which were moderated by the Center for educational initiatives “Step by Step” from Sarajevo. The next one will take place online on 23 December where students will discuss the type of content and activities that they want in their schools.


The online chatrooms were organised with the support of the action “Quality education for all”, which is a part of the joint European Union and the Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”, implemented by the Council of Europe.

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