Back 8th international Roma women’s conference (IRWC) postponed to 24-26 November 2021 - Call for participants extended to 15 September 2021

“Protecting the Human Rights and dignity of Roma and traveller women in times of crises”
8th international Roma women’s conference (IRWC) postponed to 24-26 November 2021 - Call for participants extended to 15 September 2021

Gender equality is one of the core values of the Council of Europe. All people, in all their diversity, should be free to live their chosen life, thrive socially and economically, participate and take a lead as equals. Women and girls are key agents of development and change. Achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls is vital to building fair, inclusive, prosperous and peaceful societies.

The Council of Europe’s Strategic Action Plan on Roma and Traveller Inclusion (2020-2025) promotes the empowerment of Roma and Traveller women and girls in all spheres of life.

The recent COVID-19 crisis has brought to light many systemic and structural failings to protect Roma and Traveller women and has highlighted the ambient antigypsyism and anti-nomadism.

The obligation to be confined at home can be difficult to respect for some members of the Roma and Traveller community due to unstable, overcrowded and sub-standard housing conditions or a lack of halting sites. Limited or no access to water and hygiene products, poor or non-existing water pipelines and sewage systems, inadequate electrical infrastructure and garbage collection expose Roma and Traveller communities to a higher risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus but also heightens the risks of physical and mental health issues. Moreover, the lack of employment and increased poverty saw a rise in domestic violence. Distance learning is not always possible as a result of a lack of computer equipment or poor connections which could lead to increased school dropouts. Access to healthcare is also more difficult.

The objective of this conference is to focus on the protection of the human rights and dignity of Roma and Traveller women in times of crises.

It will consider the impact and consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on Roma and Traveller women and girls and resulting health inequalities but also how statelessness and lack of ID can exacerbate the problem. It will reflect on national and international legislation to secure access to health care for vulnerable groups, and identify barriers preventing this legislation to be fully and effectively implemented and means of overcoming these obstacles.

The conference programme, which was developed together with Roma and Traveller women, will comprise plenary sessions on the impact and consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic but also workshops covering topics such as Roma and Traveller youth activism, employment of Roma and Traveller women, Roma and Traveller women in arts, culture, language and heritage, impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the education of Roma and Traveller children from pre-school to higher education and training, racism, antigypsyism and anti-nomadism in times of crises, environmental racism, think tank on Roma and Traveller feminism and being LGBTIQ and Roma or Traveller women.

The event will take place on 24-26 November 2021, North Macedonia.

The Conference languages will be English, Macedonian and Romani.

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 15 September 2021, 00:00 CET


Notifications will be sent out between 27 September and 1 October 2021


Disclaimer: Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the safety of our experts and staff members is our priority. We have no responsibility for COVID-19-related travel requirements imposed such as quarantines, PCR tests or vaccination certificates prior to departure or upon arrival or return. For the latest COVID-19 government travel regulations, we recommend you check the relevant website of your national authorities. The evolving sanitary situation can also lead to the change of the date, place or format (online, hybrid) of the 8th International Roma Women’s Conference.

DEADLINE: 15 September 2021, 00:00 CET
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