German State Secretary for Justice Angelika Schlunck and Council of Europe DSG Bjørn Berge opened the 28th Annual Conference of Directors of Prison and Probation Services in Berlin

The 28th Council of Europe Conference of Directors of Prison and Probation Services (CDPPS) "Management of Prisons and Probation: New Challenges and Innovative Responses" was organised in Berlin (Germany) on 6 and 7 June 2023. The Conference was opened to invited participants only. All the information about this event are available on the Conference webpage. This event was preceded on 5 June by the 12th Annual General Meeting of EuroPris.

German State Secretary for Justice Angelika Schlunck and Council of Europe DSG Bjørn Berge open the 28th Annual Conference of Directors of Prison and Probation Services in Berlin:



 Press Release - Social reintegration of offenders in prison and under probation: Council of Europe Berlin conference to explore innovative responses





Berlin (Germany) 6-7 June 2023
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Back Revised European Prison Rules: new guidance to prison services on humane treatment of inmates

Revised European Prison Rules: new guidance to prison services on humane treatment of inmates

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe has adopted a Recommendation which updates the 2006 European Prison Rules. The rules, which contain the key legal standards and principles related to prison management, staff and treatment of detainees and are a global reference in this field, guide the 47 Council of Europe member states in their legislation, policies and practices.

The revision concerns the rules on the record keeping of information about inmates and the management of their files, the treatment of women prisoners, foreign nationals, as well as the use of special high security or safety measures such as the separation of prisoners from other inmates, solitary confinement, instruments of restraint, the need to ensure adequate levels in prison staff, inspection and independent monitoring.

The recommendation regulates in greater detail solitary confinement (i.e. being locked up for more than 22 hours a day without meaningful human contact). Decisions on this measure should always be used as a last resort and take into account the state of health of the prisoner. Due to the very negative effect such a measure may have on one’s physical and mental health, it should be imposed for a strictly specified period of time, which should be as short as possible.

The revised rules establish that states should set in their national legislation the maximum period for which solitary confinement may be imposed. Furthermore, inmates concerned should be visited daily by the prison director or an authorised member of the prison staff, as well as by the medical practitioner.

 Prison Rules

Council of Europe, Strasbourg 02 July 2020
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