Key Council of Europe Conventions and Recommendations
Compendium of key texts
Compendium of key texts relating to prisons and community sanctions and measures (December 2021)
Recommendations and relevant texts
European Prison Rules
Other languages: ALB - ARM - AZE - AUT - BIH - BGR - HRV - CZE - DNK - EST - FIN - GEO - DEU - GRC - HUN - ITA - LVA - LTU - MK - MNE - NOR - POL - PRT - ROU - RUS - SRB - SK - SVN - ESP - CAT - SWE - CHE (DEU - ITA) - TUR - UKR
Short Guide to the EPR (English only)
Council of Europe Probation Rules
Other languages: AZE - DEU - ESP - FIN - FRA - GEO - ITA - MDA - UKR
Commentary to Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)1
European Rules for juvenile offenders subject to sanctions or measures
Other languages: AZE - DEU - FIN - FRA - LTU - RUS
Commentary to Recommendation CM/Rec(2008)11
Other languages: FRA
Key Recommendations
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)8 of the Committee of Ministers to member States concerning restorative justice in criminal matters
Other languages: BIH - ITA - LVA - Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)5 concerning Children with Imprisoned Parents
Other languages: DEU - ESP - FIN - HRV - HUN - LTU - LVA - Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)3 on the European Rules on community sanctions and measures
Other languages: BIH - ITA - LVA - Guidelines for prison and probation services regarding radicalisation and violent extremism
Other languages: LVA - Council of Europe Handbook for Prison and Probation Services regarding Radicalisation and Violent Extremism
Other languages: DEU - FIN - LVA - Guidelines regarding recruitment, selection, education, training and professional development of prison and probation staff
Other languages: BIH - LVA - Recommendation CM/Rec(2014)4 on electronic monitoring
Other languages: ARM - FIN - FRA - ITA - LVA - ROU - TUR - UKR - Recommendation CM/Rec(2014)3 concerning dangerous offenders
Other languages: FRA - ITA - LVA - Recommendation CM/Rec(2012)12 concerning foreign prisoners
Other languages: DEU - FIN - FRA - ITA - LVA - Recommendation CM/Rec(2012)5 on the European Code of Ethics for Prison Staff
Other languages: DEU - FIN - Recommendation CM/Rec(2008)11 on the European Rules for juvenile offenders subject to sanctions or measures
Other languages: LVA - Rec. R (2006) 13 on the use of remand in custody, the conditions in which it takes place and the provision of safeguards against abuse
Other languages: DEU - FRA - GEO - ROU - RUS - UKR - Rec. R (2006) 2 on the European Prison Rules
Other languages: AZE - EST - FRA - GEO - ROU - RUS - UKR - Rec. R(2003)23 on the management of life-sentence and other long-term prisoners
Other languages: LVA - Rec. R(2003)22 concerning conditional release
Other languages: ARM - FRA - GEO - ROU - RUS - UKR - Rec. R(2003)21 concerning partnership in crime prevention
- Rec. R(2003)20 concerning new ways of dealing with juvenile delinquency and the role of juvenile justice
Other languages: LVA - Rec. R(2000)22 on improving the implementation of the European rules on community sanctions and measures
Other languages: FRA - ROU - UKR - Rec. R(2000)20 on the role of early psychosocial intervention in the prevention of criminality
- Rec. R(99)22 concerning prison overcrowding and prison population inflation
Other languages: FRA - GEO - LVA - ROU - RUS - UKR - Rec. R(99)19 concerning mediation in penal matters
Other languages: ARM - FRA - GEO - ROU - UKR - Rec. R(98)7 concerning the ethical and organisational aspects of health care in prison
- Rec. R(97)12 on staff concerned with the implementation of sanctions and measures
- Rec. R(93)6 concerning prison and criminological aspects of the control of transmissible diseases including aids and related health problems in prison
- Rec. R(92)18 concerning the practical application of the Convention on the transfer of sentenced persons
- Rec. R(92)17 concerning consistency in sentencing
- Rec. R(89)12 on education in prison
- Rec. R(88)13 concerning the practical application of the Convention on the transfer of sentenced persons
- Rec. R(84)11 concerning information about the Convention on the transfer of sentenced persons
- Rec. R(82)16 on prison leave
- Rec. R(79)14 concerning the application of the European Convention on the supervision of conditionally sentenced or conditionally released offenders