Liverpool Summer School “The Council of Europe – Resilience in troubling times”

Liverpool Summer School on the Law of the Council of Europe The School of Law and Social Justice will host its first Summer School on the Law of the Council of Europe this July 2023.

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Conference of the French anti-corruption network (Strasbourg)

Programme Recording of the conference, morning: Afternoon: panel 3 panel 4

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First pan-European conference on the Istanbul Convention (Milan)

Programme   Leaflet   Parallel Sessions - Programme   Speech of GREVIO-President Dr Maria-Andriani Kostopoulou Recordings of the conference sessions  

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Ukraine Beyond Aggression: Legal Responses to Russia's Invasion in 2022 and its Consequences

University of Nottingham, School of Law

On 21 February 2024; 14:00 - 17:30 (GMT), the Human Rights Law Centre and the Nottingham Centre for International Law and Security will host a conference showcasing a broad range of research related to Russia’s war against Ukraine examined within the framework of international law. As we approach...

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La Convention d´Istanbul 10 ans après son entrée en vigeur. Avancées et perspectives.

University of Strasbourg

Le réseau OCEAN et la Fédération de recherches organisent le 4 avril prochain de 17h à 19h à la Faculté de droit une conférence sur la Convention d'Istanbul avec pour intervenants Mmes Micaela Frulli et Sara de Vido professeures à l'Université de Florence et Université de Venise, Johanna Nelles...

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Book launch: Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, Sara de Vido and Micaela Frulli

University of Milano-Bicocca

The official announcement of the book launch and the link for on-line participants can be found here

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LGBT* in European laws and beyond

Université Lumière Lyon 2

Please find the conference programme here.

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Advanced Training Course 2024. International Criminal Jurisdiction and Children affected by Armed Conflict

Universities Network for Children in Armed Conflict (UNETCHAC)

Please find the programme and call here. The course website, continuously updated, can be found here

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Global Conference on AI and Human Rights

University of Ljubljana

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The European system of human rights protection – ECHR (Summer School)

Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

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Exploring the ‘Human’ of the European Court of Human Rights: Notions, Practices and Methods

University of Zurich

Please find the project description and a draft programme here. The registration site can be found here. For additional information please email Prof. Alice Margaria [email protected]  

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Le Conseil de l´Europe: 75 ans et après? Passé, présent et avenir d´une organisation internationale septuagénaire

Université Grenoble-Alpes

The the full text of the call of the workshop can be found here in French and English.

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Visual ID Ocean

Open Council of Europe Academic Networks