Back The Action “Strengthening the Human Rights Protection of Migrants and Victims of Human Trafficking in Turkey” held its Fourth Steering Committee Meeting Online

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

The fourth Steering Committee Meeting of the European Union-Council of Europe Joint Action “Strengthening the Human Rights Protection of Migrants and Victims of Human Trafficking in Turkey” took place on 10/02/2022 on an online platform.

The representatives of the Council of Europe, the Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey and project beneficiaries; Ministries of Interior, Family and Social Services, Labour and Social Security and Justice, as well as Union of Turkish Bar Associations, Justice Academy and Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey have attended the meeting and shared their respected views and comments.

Following the briefing on the activities implemented so far, including the trainings, HELP courses, developed training materials and drafted reports, exchanges were made on the planning of future activities projected within the Action. Partners communicated the feelings of appreciation for fruitful cooperation and coordination among the institutions.

The next Steering Committee Meeting is expected to take place in August 2022.

The Steering Committee Meeting was organised within the framework of the Action “Strengthening the human rights protection of migrants and victims of human trafficking in Turkey”, part of the European Union/Council of Europe collaboration “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”.

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