Preparation & Planning

Some points to think about

The ten tools in this section deal with different aspects of language support and its provision. Some contain practical suggestions, others are designed to give you an insight into major challenges that confront learners of a new language. You may use them to prepare yourself to provide language support, but you can also refer back to them as the need arises.

Needs analysis

The success of the language support you provide will depend on the extent to which it meets the needs of the refugees you are working with. The seven tools presented in this section are designed to help you understand those needs. Again, you can use them to prepare your language support activities but also as a set of guidelines to which you can return as necessary.

Planning content

The three tools presented here help you to identify the language refugees in your group need to focus on: the situations they need to be able to cope with, the communicative functions, or purposes, they need to fulfil, and some of the everyday phrases they can usefully learn.