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How to improve the situation with employment of people with disabilities in Ukraine - a round table

3 May 2023 Kyiv, Ukraine

"When we talk about the employment of people with disabilities, we refer to human rights," said Siuzanna Mnatsakanian, Senior Officer of the Council of Europe project "Enhanced social protection in Ukraine” at the round table "Employment of People with Disabilities: European Perspectives in...

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Representative of Ukraine is elected to the European Committee of Social Rights

29 March 2023 Strasbourg

March 29, 2023, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe elected a new member of the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR). The new member is Alla Fedorova, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Comparative and European Law of the Institute of International Relations of...

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Strengthening social rights of Ukrainians - new Council of Europe project launch

23 March 2023 Kyiv - Strasbourg

On 23 March 2023 the official launching event of the Council of Europe Project “Enhanced social protection in Ukraine”took place. Mr Christophe Poirel, Human Rights Director, Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law, Council of Europe, noted: “The project has been developed in close...

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The European Committee of Social Rights publishes its Conclusions on Labour Rights

22 March 2023 STRASBOURG

The European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) today published its Conclusions 2022 in respect of 33 States on the articles of the European Social Charter relating to Labour Rights. In the framework of the reporting procedure, the ECSR adopted 611 conclusions: 255 conclusions of conformity with...

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CALL FOR TENDER - Purchase of local consultancy services on European Social Charter and social and economic rights

21 March 2023 Kyiv, Ukraine

The Council of Europe project “Enhanced Social Protection in Ukraine” implemented within the Action Plan for Ukraine “Resiliency, Recovery and Reconstruction” for 2023-2026, is launching a tender procedure for purchase of local consultants’ services with a particular expertise on the European...

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Methodological recommendations: creation and organisation of an inclusive multifunctional co-working space

20 January 2023 Kyiv, Ukraine

The Council of Europe supported preparation of the methodological recommendations regarding creation and organisation of an inclusive multifunctional co-working space (taking into account the case of Zhovkva educational and rehabilitation centre “Zlahoda”). This guidance was elaborated taking...

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Report on the needs assessment “Social rights in Ukraine in times of war”

12 January 2023 Kyiv, Ukraine

  The current crisis caused by full-scale Russian Federation’s military aggression against Ukraine should not have as a consequence the reduction of protection of the rights recognised by the European Social Charter, both within Ukraine and beyond its borders. In this context, the Council of...

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Labour rights as human rights - the HELP training course has started

8 December 2022 Kyiv, Ukraine

On December 7, 2022, the introductory HELP online seminar of the course “Labour rights as human rights” was held within the framework of the Council of Europe Project “Continued support to promoting social human rights in Ukraine”, where about 30 students took part, including university...

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Draft law on employment of persons with disabilities has been registered

30 November 2022 Kyiv, Ukraine

Experts of the Council of Europe Project “Continued support to promoting social human rights in Ukraine” participated in the development of Draft Law No. 5344-d "On amendments to some laws of Ukraine on ensuring the right of persons with disabilities to work." In particular, the consultants...

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Brochures on ensuring the social rights of the Ukrainians fleeing the war were published

28 November 2022 Kyiv, Ukraine

The Council of Europe project “Continued support to promoting social human rights in Ukraine” developed information brochures about the details of obtaining temporary protection and ensuring the social rights of Ukrainians who are forced to seek protection in the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy,...

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Registration for the Council of Europe HELP online course on Labour rights

25 November 2022 Kyiv, Ukraine

The Council of Europe project “Continued support to promoting social human rights in Ukraine” announces call for the participation in the distance learning course "Labor rights as human rights" of the Council of Europe HELP Programme (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals). The training...

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How to document violation of social rights during the war - training supported by the Council of Europe Project

25 October 2022 Kyiv, Ukraine

On October 24-25 2022, a training on monitoring violations of social human rights in Ukraine during the war was held in an online format with the support of Council of Europe project “Continued support to promoting social human rights in Ukraine”. "The creation of proper social conditions for...

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Invitation to presentation of the needs assessment report in respect of social rights in Ukraine in times of war

5 October 2022 Kyiv, Ukraine

On 10 October 2022 (15:00 - 17:15 Kyiv time), a presentation of the needs assessment report in respect of social rights in Ukraine in times of war is to be held. The document was developed within the framework of the Council of Europe Project “Continued support to promoting social human rights in...

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Registration for training on monitoring of social human rights violations in Ukraine in wartime

4 October 2022 Kyiv, Ukraine

On October 11, 2022, from 10:00 to 17:00, a training on monitoring of social human rights violations in Ukraine in wartime will be held in an online format with the support of the Council of Europe project “Continued support to promoting social human rights in Ukraine”. The purpose of the event...

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How are social rights of Ukrainians who have found protection in EU ensured - research by Council of Europe

27 September 2022 Kyiv, Ukraine

Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine forced millions of Ukrainians to seek protection abroad. That is why the Council of Europe project “Continued support to promoting social human rights in Ukraine” supported the analysis of the provision of social rights of displaced persons in the member...

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An information document has been prepared, which will help receive payments to those who lost relatives, and suffered due to Russian aggression against Ukraine

29 August 2022 Kyiv, Ukraine

The news item is available in Ukrainian only. Please switch to the Ukrainian version of the page in the top left section of the web-page.

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Registration for the working group on the development of the Social Code of Ukraine is open

22 August 2022 Kyiv, Ukraine

The Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Social Policy and Veterans' Rights Protection and the Council of Europe Project “Continued support to promoting social human rights in Ukraine” invite experts in the field of social relations to join the working group on the development of the...

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Tender for the purchase of services of national experts

28 January 2022 Kyiv, Ukraine

This announcement is available in Ukrainian only. Please switch to the Ukrainian version of the page in the top left section of the web-page.

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European Social Charter 60th anniversary: Committee of Ministers Declaration

COMMITTEE OF MINISTERS 19 October 2021 Strasbourg

Sixty years ago – to the day – the Council of Europe member States enshrined in international law a series of social rights (Turin, 18 October 1961). It was the first time that the social rights objectives set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the social progress objective...

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European Social Charter – aGuideline for Ensuring Social and Employment Standards in Ukraine

22 July 2021

Ms Siuzanna Mnatsakanian, Senior Officer of the Council of Europe Project “Promoting social human rights as a key factor of sustainable democracy in Ukraine”, took part in the All-Ukrainian Forum “Ukraine 30” The session “European Social Charter and ILO convention: guidelines for ensuring social...

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Council of Europe Office in Ukraine
8 Illinska Street, Illinskyi Business Centre, 7th entrance, 6th floor


Ms Margarita Galstyan, Project Manager
[email protected] 


Ms Siuzanna Mnatsakanian, Senior Project Officer
[email protected]
+380 44 425 0262, ext. 148


Ms Liubov Podtykan, Project Assistant
[email protected]


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