Back Representative of Ukraine is elected to the European Committee of Social Rights

Representative of Ukraine is elected to the European Committee of Social Rights

March 29, 2023, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe elected a new member of the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR). The new member is Alla Fedorova, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Comparative and European Law of the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Ms Fedorova is a national and international consultant of the Council of Europe, she has many years of experience in the field of application of the European Social Charter.

This happened also due to the coordinated work of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, and the Permanent Representation of Ukraine to the Council of Europe.

The ECSR is the Council of Europe body, consisting of 15 independent members elected by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe for 6 years with the possibility of one more re-election.

This body monitors the implementation of the European Social Charter by the member states of the Council of Europe. The Charter guarantees a wide range of social and economic rights related to employment, housing, health care, education, social protection, and welfare. Ukraine ratified the Charter (revised) in 2006.

The ECSR monitors compliance with the Charter under two complementary mechanisms: through collective complaints lodged by the social partners and other non-governmental organisations, and through national reports drawn up by Contracting Parties. The reports contain recommendations for the improvement of the national legislative framework in the field of social rights, accordingly, the member states of the Charter shall take measures to ensure that these recommendations are implemented.

The full-scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine created threats to human rights. However, the member states of the Charter are obliged to take all necessary measures, including attracting international support, to ensure that the rights provided for by the Charter are effectively guaranteed at all times. Currently, it is extremely important to support the efforts of the government of Ukraine, in its efforts to ensure the right to protection against poverty (Article 30 of the Charter) and the right to housing (Article 31 of the Charter).

To remind, on March 23, 2023, the official launching event of the Council of Europe Project “Enhanced social protection in Ukraine” took place, which aims that people from vulnerable groups, including the war-affected population in Ukraine, enjoy improved levels of social rights and social protection. It will contribute to the efficient implementation of the ongoing priority reforms in the areas of social protection and social services, labour rights, employment, rights of persons with disabilities, reintegration of veterans into peaceful life, and others.

You can read the needs assessment report “Social rights in Ukraine during the war” via the link.

Strasbourg 29 March 2023
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