Date and time: 29 April 2024 from 9.30 to 17.15
Place : Schaan, Liechtenstein
Language : English and French
Organisers: Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Liechtenstein and the Directorate General of Democracy and Human Dignity - Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence





Setting up Co-ordinating Bodies responsible for policies on violence against women: Article 10 of the Istanbul Convention (2023)


Sustaining Progress towards Ending Violence against Women and Girls

GREVIO general recommendation n°1 on the digital dimension of violence against women

Mid-term horizontal review of GREVIO baseline evaluation reports

4th general report on GREVIO'S activities

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Draft Programme
Welcome words
  • Ambassador Martin Frick, Director of the Office for Foreign Affairs of Liechtenstein

Opening of the meeting
  • Karin Lingg, Head of the Division for Security and Human Rights, Office for Foreign Affairs of Liechtenstein
  • Marja Ruotanen, Director General of Democracy and Human Dignity, Council of Europe
  • Tanja Gonggrijp, President of the Committee of the Parties, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the Council of Europe 

The importance of national co-ordinating bodies responsible for policies on violence against women 
  • Keynote speech: Maria Andriani Kostopoulou, President of the Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO)
  • Presentation: Susana Pavlou, international expert on violence against women: “Setting up official co-ordinating bodies responsible for policies on violence against women - Article 10 of the Istanbul Convention” – a Council of Europe publication

Questions and discussion

11.00 Coffee break

Sharing experiences on the role and working methods of co-ordinating bodies to ensure inter-sectoral cooperation in policy making on violence against women
  • Moderator: Maria Andriani Kostopoulou, President of GREVIO
Experiences from parties to the Istanbul Convention:
  • Ute Mayer, Equal Opportunities Unit, Office of Social Services, Liechtenstein
  • Niko Tatulashvili, Advisor to the Georgian Prime Minister on Human Rights, Georgia
  • Sasha Na Jeong Farrugia, Commission on Gender-Based Violence and Domestic Violence, Malta

Questions and discussion

12.30 Photo session and lunch 


Co-ordinating data collection on violence against women: the promising examples of national observatories 
  • Moderator: Johanna Nelles, Executive Secretary of the Istanbul Convention, Council of Europe
  • Presentation: Cristina Fabre, Team Leader, European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE): Data collection on violence against women

Experiences from parties to the Istanbul Convention:
  • Ramona Mihaila, Head of Secretary of State’s Office, National Agency for Gender Equality, Romania
  • Katarina Wiatr, Policy Advisor at Unit 403 - Protection of Women from Violence and Jana Pfenning, Policy Advisor at the Task Force for the Establishment of a Coordinating Body required under the Istanbul-Convention of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, as well as Müserref Tanriverdi, Head of the National Monitoring Body, German Institute of Human Rights, Germany

Questions and discussion

15.15 Coffee break

Applying a gender-sensitive and intersectional lens to policy-making on violence against women, including by tapping into NGO’s expertise

Moderator: Susana Pavlou, international expert on violence against women

Presentation: Johanna Nelles, Executive Secretary of the Istanbul Convention, Council of Europe: “Ensuring the non-discriminatory implementation of measures against women and domestic violence: Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Istanbul Convention” – a Council of Europe publication

  • Baljit Banga, CEO Hibiscus and member of WAVE Network

Experiences from parties to the Istanbul Convention:
  • Frida Hansson, Deputy Director, Division for Gender Equality, Ministry of Employment and Katarina Björkgren, Unit manager, National Gender Equality Agency,  Sweden
  • Marijke Weewauters, Liaison officer and National strategy advisor of the Institute for equality between women and men, Belgium
  • Laura Cooney, Assistant Principal Officer, Criminal Justice, Community Safety Policy, Department of Justice, Ireland

Questions and discussion

Wrap-up session and closing 
  • Johanna Nelles, Executive Secretary of the Istanbul Convention, Council of Europe
  • Martina Edlund, Diplomatic Officer, Division for Security and Human Rights, Office for Foreign Affairs of Liechtenstein

17.15 End of programme

Followed by an Apéro dinatoire, offered by the Liechtenstein authorities