At its 10th meeting on 13 April 2021, the Committee of the Parties to the Istanbul Convention adopted a framework for the supervision of its recommendations addressed to states parties, pointing the way forward for this Committee in its monitoring of the Istanbul Convention
Since 2018, the Committee of the Parties has been adopting - on the basis of GREVIO’s findings - recommendations to states parties to further the implementation of the convention. States parties are given a period of three years to implement such recommendations and report back to the Committee.
At its 10th meeting, the Committee agreed on a framework to supervise the implementation of these recommendations. In view of guiding states and simplifying their reporting, the Committee decided to use a standardised reporting form, which focuses on a maximum of eight areas of the convention, common for all states parties, and two areas specifically selected for each state.
On the basis of the information provided by states parties and any additional information obtained from non-governmental organisations, civil society and national institutions for the protection of human rights, the Committee will adopt conclusions on the implementation of its recommendations in relation to each state party under review.
The first group of states, composed of Austria, Albania, Denmark and Monaco, is asked to report back by 30 June 2021 using the standardised reporting form. Once submitted, their completed reporting forms will be made available on the country monitoring page. The Committee will proceed with the adoption of its conclusions in relation to these four countries at its next meeting in December.