Back GREVIO launches its baseline evaluation procedure in respect of the EU

GREVIO launches its baseline evaluation procedure in respect of the EU

Today, the Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) launched its monitoring procedure in respect of the European Union with a view to assessing legislative and other measures taken by the EU institutions, bodies and agencies to give effect to the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention). Following the entry into force of the Istanbul Convention in relation to the European Union on 1 October 2023, GREVIO transmitted its baseline evaluation questionnaire to the European Union.

This questionnaire was initially developed for the baseline evaluation of all Parties to the Convention but was recently adapted by GREVIO in light of the supranational nature of European Union. It is now available on GREVIO’s dedicated webpage.

The questions are formulated to account for action taken at the level of EU institutions, bodies and agencies and any legislative or other measures taken by the EU to place obligations on EU member states and to ensure their effective implementation. While broadly formulated, they are to be understood as pertaining only to those areas where the EU has competence to act through legislative, policy, strategic or other measures.

In response to the questionnaire, the EU is expected to submit a consolidated report to GREVIO by end of November 2025, after which an evaluation visit to EU institutions, bodies and agencies will be planned for 2026. GREVIO’s baseline evaluation report, expected for publication in 2027, will offer a comprehensive and detailed assessment of the level of compliance of EU legislative, policy, strategic or other measures with the provisions of the Istanbul Convention.


 Questionnaire (EN/FR) :

(EN) GREVIO(2024)23 Baseline evaluation questionnaire for EU

(FR) GREVIO(2024)23 Questionnaire de référence du GREVIO pour l'UE

MONITORING Strasbourg, France 14 January 2025
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