Back Follow-up round table on promoting national synergies in implementing the Istanbul Convention in Albania

Follow-up round table on promoting national synergies in implementing the Istanbul Convention in Albania

On 22 November 2022, the Violence against Women Division organised a follow-up round table on the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Albania, aimed at promoting national synergies in addressing violence against women. It allowed participants to take stock of and discuss progress as well as the remaining challenges and ways forwards in order to comply with the findings of the Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) baseline evaluation report on Albania published on 24 November 2017, as well as the recommendations and conclusions of the Committee of the Parties to Albania adopted on 30 January 2018 and 7 December 2021 respectively.

The round table gathered more than 40 state officials and civil society actors representing all sectors active in responding to violence against women and relevant to the thematic discussions of the round table. It was widely covered by national media, putting the spotlight on the work of the monitoring mechanism of the Istanbul Convention across the country. 

Various measures taken by the authorities to follow up on the baseline evaluation procedure were presented during the event, demonstrating good levels of progress in the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in relation to support services offered by municipalities and risk assessment The discussion also identified further action to be taken to ensure practical access to support, protection and justice for all women. This includes, among others, the need to expand the geographical coverage and accessibility of support services, to improve the sustainability and the visibility of the legal aid system, to reinforce coordination across the judicial chain, to ensure the involvement of the health sector in the detection and the prevention of violence against women. 

ROUND TABLE Tirana, Albania 22 November 2022
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