Inclusion and anti-discrimination programmes

The Council of Europe's Inclusion and Anti-Discrimination Programmes Division carries out activities to ensure genuine equality and full access to rights and opportunities for all members of society.

The Division is composed of four Units, offering concrete and tested solutions to governmental and non-governmental partners in member States to strenghten inclusion and address discrimination and inequality that undermine the enjoyment of human rights and democracy by everyone:

Back Manual for Police Education on Equality & Non-Discrimination: A new resource for police trainers in the Western Balkans

Manual for Police Education on Equality & Non-Discrimination: A new resource for police trainers in the Western Balkans

The Manual for Police Education on Equality & Non-Discrimination translated in the local languages of the Western Balkans is finally out and available for download.

Law enforcement plays a key role in combating racism and racial discrimination, and in promoting human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. In this respect, high standards of professionalism and fairness should be maintained. Well-trained police officers, who can give support to victims of hate crimes, are an asset to every community.

With the aim of supporting law enforcement in protecting societies in all their diversity and complexity, the Manual for Police Education on Equality & Non-Discrimination is tailored to police trainers, police training institutions, or key police partners, including municipal authorities, NGOs, specialised community services. The manual provides training methods, exercises, and practical activities to plan and implement effective training programmes for police officers.

Through six modules, written by experts in the field, the Manual touches upon a variety of topics. It provides an overview of the main equality and non-discrimination concepts and principles, including "racism", "direct and indirect discrimination" and "hate crime". The Manual also explores how to develop open, proactive, constructive, and positive relationships with local communities that are concerned with, and affected by, equality, diversity, and non-discrimination issues in policing.

The Manual is produced within the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme "Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye” and its action on “Promoting Diversity and Equality”.

Manual for Police Education on Equality & Non-Discrimination in Albanian: link

Manual for Police Education on Equality & Non-Discrimination in Bosnian: link

Manual for Police Education on Equality & Non-Discrimination in Macedonian: link

Manual for Police Education on Equality & Non-Discrimination in Serbian: link

Manual for Police Education on Equality & Non-Discrimination in English: link

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 The four Units' activities are directly based on the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, the recommendations and findings of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (AC/FCNM), and the Committee of Experts of the European Charter of Regional or Minority Languages, as well as relevant Committee of Ministers Recommendations.


 The approach of the Division is to establish a direct link between standards, the monitoring processes, the intergovernmental work, such as the Steering Committee on Anti-Discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI) and the implementation of co-operation activities. This allows to identify weaknesses in the implementation of standards where technical cooperation activities can be helpful.


 The Division works closely with the existing networks of equality bodies and national human rights structures (ombudsmen and national human rights institutions); other Council of Europe monitoring bodies (such as European Committee of Social Rights, the Group of experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) and their secretariats; European networks of NGO’s and national civil society platforms; and international actors, such as the EU Commission and its Agencies (including the Fundamental Rights Agency), the UN agencies (such as the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the United Nations Development Programme) and the OSCE/ODIHR.

Division units