Back Anti-money laundering Committee MONEYVAL holds 62nd Plenary Meeting

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

The Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism (MONEYVAL) held its 62nd Plenary meeting in Strasbourg from 15 to 17 December 2021. This was the third MONEYVAL Plenary taking place in a hybrid mode, with delegations participating virtually.

The Director of Information Society and Action against Crime of the Council of Europe Mr Jan Kleijssen opened the meeting by underlining MONEYVAL’s essential role as a specialised Council of Europe monitoring body and as a key partner in the global network in the area of anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism. The Co-Chair of the Global Network Coordination Group of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Mr Giles Thomson addressed the Plenary meeting and outlined the current priorities of the FATF.

The Plenary re-elected Ms Elżbieta Franków-Jaśkiewicz as the Chair of the MONEYVAL Committee. Mr Richard Walker and Ms Astghik Karamanukyan were elected as its Vice Chairs, Mr Ladislav Majernik and Mr Matis Maeker as its Bureau members.

The Plenary discussed and approved the mutual evaluation reports of Poland and Croatia, and the follow-up report of Cyprus. It held a strategic discussion on progress in implementing the MONEYVAL Strategy for 2020-2022 and agreed to undertake a project on horizontal materiality analysis of MONEYVAL jurisdictions. The Committee adopted the Typologies research report “AML/CFT supervision in times of crisis and challenging external factors” and launched the next research project on money laundering from drug trafficking with the use of cryptocurrency.

The Committee discussed the Voluntary Tax Compliance Programme of Ukraine and urged Ukraine to implement MONEYVAL recommendations to mitigate the money laundering and terrorism financing risks from the voluntary tax compliance programme of Ukraine.

All adopted reports will be published in the coming weeks, in accordance with MONEYVAL’s publication policy.


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Strasbourg 17/12/2021
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