Back Brainstorming Seminar on the place of the Convention in the European and international legal order

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

The Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law and the PluriCourts academic network co-organise a brainstorming Seminar on 29-30 March in Strasbourg to examine the place of the Convention in the European and international legal order. Initiated by Norway, the event will be the starting point in the intergovernmental work on that topic to be carried out by the Committee of Experts on the system of the European Convention on Human Rights (DH-SYSC). The specialised Drafting Group DH-SYSC-II will start discussing the relevant issues immediately after the Seminar.

The Seminar will bring together Judges of the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights, Government Agents, leading international legal scholars and practitioners.

The place of the Convention in the European and international legal order was identified as a major challenge for the effectiveness and viability of the Convention system in the Report on the longer-term future of the system of Convention, adopted on 11 December 2015 by the Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH) after a two year’ examination. The Committee of Ministers upheld the Report’s conclusions and instructed the intergovernmental expert bodies to follow up on that topic along with the issue of selection and election of judges to the Court (the latter work being conducted by another Drafting Group, DH-SYSC-I).

Strasbourg 29-30/03/2017
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