Back Brazil accedes to the Convention on Cybercrime and six States sign the new Protocol on e-evidence

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© Council of Europe

On 30 November 2022, six countries, Croatia, Moldova, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Ukraine and the United Kingdom, signed the Second Additional Protocol to the Cybercrime Convention on enhanced co-operation and disclosure of electronicevidence, bringing the number of signatures to 30. Brazil deposited the instrument of accession to the Convention on Cybercrime, which brings the number of ratifications/accessions of the treaty to 68.

"We must act to help people and ensure safety and security they need. The Second Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention is one more step in that direction as it provides more effective tools for obtaining evidence in foreign and multiple jurisdiction; speeds up the process of identifying the offenders and the source of the crime. All of this comes with the strong system of the safeguards ensuring that action taken are in line with the Second Additional Protocol”, declared Björn BERGE, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, in his statement.

Ivan MALENICA, Minister of Justice and Public Administration of Croatia, signing the Protocol on behalf of the Government of Croatia said:

“We need constant capacity building in this area and adopt effective legislation that respect human rights and rule of law. Countries must cooperate more efficiently in order to prevent cybercrime. Signing the Second Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention represents a great step forward in fight against cybercrime.”

Dominika ŠVARC PIPAN, Minister of Justice of the Republic of Slovenia, underlined the Council of Europe’s role in protecting human rights, democracy and the rule of law. “With the war of Russia against Ukraine on our continent, the role of the Council of Europe is important more than ever.”

In his address, Borys TARASYUK, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the Council of Europe, stated:

“It is especially dangerous when organised criminal groups operate under the auspice of state, carrying out cyberattacks on the critical infrastructure of other states. This is exactly what Russia is doing today, using information technology to paralyse the factories, hospitals or transport in Ukraine. Russia continues to commit cybercrime at the state level. Our governments must respond properly and effectively to all those crimes. The Second Additional Protocol will therefore respond to the need for more efficient cooperation between states and the private sector.“

Grace Ammal ASIRWATHAM, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Belgium, Luxembourg and the European Union, underlined the large number of capacity building activities that Sri Lanka has benefited from since joining the Budapest Convention in 2015. She also referred to the support that Sri Lanka received following the terrorist Easter bombing in 2019 as pertinent example of what it means to be a Party.  


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