Back Andorra ratified Council of Europe treaties on counter-terrorism, personal data protection and protection of pet animals

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On 18 October 2022, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Joan Forner Rovira, Permanent Representative of Andorra to the Council of Europe, transmitted to the Deputy Secretary General Bjørn Berge the instruments of ratification of the European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism and its amending protocol, the additional Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism, the Convention 108+ on data protection, respectively the Convention on the Protection of Pet Animals.

The European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism (ETS No. 090) is designed to facilitate the extradition of persons having committed acts of terrorism. It lists the offences that Parties undertake not to consider as political offences, or as offences connected with political offences, or as offences inspired by political motives, namely acts of particular gravity, hijacking of aircraft, kidnapping and taking of hostages, the use of bombs, grenades, rockets, letter or parcel bombs, if their use endangers persons. Moreover, the Convention empowers Parties not to consider as a political offence any act of violence against the life, physical integrity or liberty of a person. Its Amending Protocol (ETS No. 190) extends considerably the list of the offences to be “depoliticised” to cover all the offences described in the relevant UN anti-terrorist Conventions and Protocols. It also introduces a simplified amendment procedure, and opens the Convention to accession by the Observers to the Council of Europe.

The Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism (CETS No. 217) is intended to supplement the Convention as regards the criminalisation of several acts, including taking part in an association or group for the purpose of terrorism, receiving terrorist training, travelling abroad for the purposes of terrorism and financing or organising travel for this purpose. It also provides for a network of 24-hour-a-day national contact points facilitating the rapid exchange of information.

The Convention 108+ on data protection (CETS No. 223) aims to modernise and improve the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data (ETS No. 108), considering the new challenges to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data which have emerged since the Convention was adopted in 1980. The Protocol provides a robust and flexible multilateral legal framework to facilitate the flow of data across borders while providing effective safeguards when personal data are being used. 

The European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals (ETS No. 125) contains provisions to protect pet animals and seeks to establish a basic common standard of attitude and practice towards pet ownership. Provisions are included on breeding, boarding, keeping of pet animals.


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