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European Qualifications Passport for Refugees in the news

An article in University World News argues that the inclusion of the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees in the Rome Communiqué is a milestone in the development and acceptance of the EQPR. The Communiqué was adopted on November 19 by the Ministers of the European Higher Education Area.

The article recalls that even before the COVID-19 pandemic, only 3% of eligible refugees had access to higher education globally, whereas about 63% of all refugee children were enrolled in primary level school and 24% were enrolled at secondary level. The EQPR, which helps implement Article VII of the Lisbon Recognition Convention, has the potential to improve the situation significantly, as shown by the fact that Italy has now opened a scholarship scheme to EQPR holders, 57 of whom have obtained places of study at Italian universities.


 For more information about the EQPR, click here

Strasbourg 14 December 2020
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