The participative survey to the HEREIN network on garden policy launched in 2015, led to create the "HEREIN in garden" network whose objectives are:

1. Contributing to the building of a voluntary countries network;
2. Promoting the exchange of information and know-how;
3. Promoting international and national activities on gardens;
4. Raising awareness of different audiences.

The HEREIN in garden network aims to provide information at international level (on actors, legislation...) and at national level (on authorities responsible and other actors, legislation, documentation, awareness actions, protection measures, training...)

Photo: Ambleville castle's garden, France, 2010, © MH Bénetière

European Rendez-vous in Gardens

As part of the European Year of Heritage in 2018 and inspired by the previous 14 French editions of "Rendez-vous aux Jardins", a first joint European event on Gardens took place in 16 countries.

On the model of the European Heritage Days, the objective is to secure this event with the countries already participating and to extend these "Rendezvous in Gardens" to other European countries.

The number of participating countries has regularly increased: 21 countries are now participating simultaneously, on the same theme and with the same visual adapted in the national languages.

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Back Study day on the theme "Transmission of knowledge" for the 2021 Garden Meetings

Photo by Mari Potter on Unsplash

Photo by Mari Potter on Unsplash

Since 2007, a study day is organized each year by the French Ministry of Culture on the theme chosen for the “Rendez-vous aux Jardins”: this study day was thus devoted this year to the theme "Transmission of knowledge".

Since the Renaissance, garden art treatises, plans, flowerbed models and engravings have been circulating throughout Europe and thus ensure the transmission of knowledge through writing or image, public and private archives being also involved in it. Knowledge related to gardens, horticulture and landscape is also transmitted through teaching in dedicated places but also through more unusual or modern means such as blogs or tutorials. We also learn by travelling (as Tour de France Companions do) or by listening to or watching the elders. The guide-lecturers, during guided tours of parks or gardens, also ensure the dissemination of such knowledge to a larger public.

The proceedings of that study day are available here (only in French)

10 February 2021
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