Back Istanbul Convention: HELP online course launched in Montenegro

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© Council of Europe

The round-table and training on harmonisation of the courts’ practices with a specific focus on the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) took place on 15 May 2018 in Podgorica. With a view to improving the quality of the judicial response to cases involving violence against women and to supporting the access to justice of victims while prosecuting perpetrators, the event brought together representatives of the Constitutional Court, regular courts, Bar Association and civil society activists.

Participants were presented with tools available under the Istanbul Convention to prevent and combat violence against women as well as with the HELP online course on Violence against Women and Domestic Violence as a means to increase their influence and potential of action.

The introductory addresses at the event were delivered by H.E. Ambassador Aivo Orav - Head of Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, Mr Dragoljub Drašković - President of the Constitutional Court of Montenegro, Ms Vesna Medenica - President of the Supreme Court of Montenegro, and Ms Angela Longo - Head of the Council of Europe Programme Office in Podgorica.

The event was organised under the joint initiative of the EU/Council of Europe Horizontal Facility Action Fighting ill-treatment and impunity and enhancing the application of the ECtHR case-law on national level and the HELP in the Western Balkans project, funded by the Human Rights Trust Fund (HRTF).

The event was largely covered in local media:

The HELP online course on Violence against women and domestic violence offers a detailed and comprehensive curriculum to improve the quality of the judicial response in violence against women cases and support the access to justice for victims of violence. The course was developed jointly by the Equality and Human Dignity Department, Violence against Women Division and the HELP Programme.

Podgorica 15 May 2018
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