Access to Justice for Women Victims of Violence
Regional Conference of the PGG Project "Strengthening Access to Justice for Women Victims of Violence in the Six Eastern Partnership Countries"
18 - 19 October 2018
Strasbourg, Council of Europe, Palais de l'Europe (Room 3)
In the framework of the regional project “Strengthening Access to Justice for Women Victims of Violence in the Six Eastern Partnership Countries”, the Council of Europe organised a conference on 18-19 October 2018 (Strasbourg, France) to discuss measures and practical action to ensure women’s access to justice, with a particular focus on women victims of violence.
Through a peer to peer approach, the conference:
- Promoted and enhanced the understanding of the applicable standards of the Istanbul Convention to ensure access to justice for women victims of violence.
- Defined the needs and discussed strategies to build the capacity of judicial systems and legal professionals to ensure equal access to justice for women, especially of women victims of violence.
- Disseminated tools to enhance professionals’ capacity to ensure fair and equal treatment of women accessing the justice system and, in particular, the European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) courses on women’s access to justice and violence against women.
- Facilitated networking and exchanges among training institutions for legal professionals in the countries of the regional project.
Training Manual for judges and prosecutors on ensuring women’s access to justice
Guidelines on Women's Access to Justice
European Court of Human Rights Factsheet on Domestic Violence
European Court of Human Rights Factsheet on Violence against Women
Country Study on barriers, remedies and good practices on women’s access to justice
Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention)
and its explanatory report
Emergency barring orders in situations of domestic violence: Article 52 of the Istanbul Convention
Feedback report on gender mainstreaming in the Swedish Courts
Opening Plenary
- Georgii Popov, Ukraine
- Vladimir Moroz, Belarus
Introduction of the General Rapporteur: Louise Hooper
Session 1: Women's access to Justice and the standards of the Istanbul Convention
- Johanna Nelles, Council of Europe
- Bianca Boji-Tahvanainen, Registry of the European Court of Human Rights
- Maria-Eugenia Prendes, Spain
Session 2: The road so far: taking stock of the progress made on Women's Access to Justice in the six Eastern Partnership countries and beyond
- Anahit Manasyan, Armenia
- Aniko Parjiani, Georgia
- Diana Schobioala, Moldova
- Gunay Abidova, Azerbaijan
- Vladimir Moroz, Belarus
- Sophio Jiadze, Georgia
- Sandra Veloy-Mateu, Council of Europe
- Bozhena Malanchuk and Olena Sinchuk, Council of Europe
- Rita Marascalchi, Council of Europe
Session 3: Tools to imporve Women's Access to Justice
- Ana Medarska-Lazova, Council of Europe
- Elisabeth Duban, Council of Europe Expert
- Shazia Choudhry, Council of Europe Expert