Back Looking for local consultants on women’s access to justice in the Western Balkans

Looking for local consultants on women’s access to justice in the Western Balkans

Do you have experience in research, capacity building and awareness raising on access to justice and violence against women and domestic violence? Do you have a sound knowledge of gender equality issues? Are you familiar with the Western Balkans context?

The Council of Europe Gender Equality Division is currently implementing the regional action ”Women’s Access to Justice in the Western Balkans”, in the framework of the European Union and Council of Europe joint programme Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye - Phase III

The aim of the project is to strengthen access to justice for women, especially women victims of violence in line with the standards of the Council of Europe Istanbul Convention and to contribute to the development of a gender sensitive justice system in the Western Balkans region.

In this framework, the Council of Europe is looking for up to 27 local providers to  carry out research, to develop  and implement comprehensive capacity building curricula and materials, and  to design and implement awareness raising activities on issues related to women’s access to justice and violence against women and domestic violence.

More information can be found in the Terms of Reference and the Act of Engagement:

 Terms of reference

 Act of Engagement

 Questions and answers

Tenders must be sent to the Council of Europe electronically. Electronic copies shall be sent only to [email protected] with reference “Women’s Access to Justice-Pool of Local Consultants” in the subject field. Tenders submitted to another e-mail account will be excluded from the procedure.

Deadline for applications: 31 May 2023

Documents submitted after the deadline and/or filled inappropriately will not be considered.

Questions regarding the application shall be sent at the latest by one working week before the deadline for submissions of tenders, in English, and shall be exclusively sent to the following address: [email protected], subject line: Questions-Women’s Access to Justice- Pool of Local Consultants.

Before sending your tender, check that it includes:

  • 1 completed and signed copies of the Act of Engagement;
  • A detailed CV, preferably in EuroPass Format, legal persons need to supply the CVs of the employees that would be assigned to the tasks under this framework contract;
  • A motivation letter demonstrating clearly that the tenderer fulfils the eligibility criteria (2 pages max);
  • 2 examples of a recent deliverable in a related activity;
  • A scanned copy of a valid photographic proof of identity;
  • Registration documents, for legal persons only.
Strasbourg 05/05/2023
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