National NGOs’ campaigns within the project “Mobilise against sexism!” were conducted by the member organisations of the European Women's Lobby (EWL) in Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and Spain in 2020-2021 to raise awareness and combat sexism in key sectors of society.


 A first phase of the project was conducted in 2020 in nine countries. The second phase was implemented in seven countries (all except Belgium and Ireland).

The project aimed to promote the implementation of the Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism. It used the tools produced within the Council of Europe Campaign “Sexism: See it. Say it. Stop it!”, including an action page, a video and a quiz explaining what sexism is and what can be done to prevent and combat it.

 In 2021, the EWL also published a statement with recommendations on sexism, which refers to the Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1.

 The project was implemented by Vrouwenraad, EWL’s Dutch-speaking national coordination in Belgium.


 The campaigning efforts took multiple forms, targeting everyone who could help to achieve the goal of combating sexism. From policymakers to our followers on social media, Vrouwenraad engaged in discussions and conversations with Belgians with different views, ideologies and ideas of sexism and tried to reach a common understanding.

Vrouwenraad informed the new federal ministers and members of the Flemish Parliament on the existence of the Council of Europe’s recommendation on sexism and referred them to the related campaign ‘Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it!’.

 More information


   Maggi Poppe, Senior Policy Officer, Vrouwenraad  & Magda de Meyer, Secretary General, Vrouwenraad

 New Federal Belgian Government

Early October 2020, Belgium installed its new federal government. On 12 October the EWL national co-ordination member Vrouwenraad sent a letter to the Federal Secretary for Equal Opportunities. The Vrouwenraad received confirmation from her cabinet that they were willing to work together on sexism. In her policy letter which was published in November, she integrated a specific section on sexism as highlighted by the Vrouwenraad from the Council of Europe Recommendation.

 Flemish Parliament

Vrouwenraad also addressed a letter to the Federal Minister and members of the Flemish Parliament (Equality Commission) with the request to evaluate the existing Belgian law on combating sexism, to compare it with the provisions of Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 and eventually adapt the Belgian law, so that it will be fully compatible with the recommendation of the Council of Europe.