National NGOs’ campaigns within the project “Mobilise against sexism!” were conducted by the member organisations of the European Women's Lobby (EWL) in Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and Spain in 2020-2021 to raise awareness and combat sexism in key sectors of society.


 A first phase of the project was conducted in 2020 in nine countries. The second phase was implemented in seven countries (all except Belgium and Ireland).

The project aimed to promote the implementation of the Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism. It used the tools produced within the Council of Europe Campaign “Sexism: See it. Say it. Stop it!”, including an action page, a video and a quiz explaining what sexism is and what can be done to prevent and combat it.

 In 2021, the EWL also published a statement with recommendations on sexism, which refers to the Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1.

 The project was implemented by the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights (PpDM) in Portugal.




 The project was based on an intersectional perspective by involving women and girls with disabilities, migrants, and their representative NGOs.

 The campaigns were officially launched on the 11 October 2020, the International Day of the Girl Child, receiving widespread media attention both in Portugal and internationally.

 PpDM created synergies with partners, training, raising awareness and applying them to their everyday work, autonomously and with PpDM’s collaboration. The project activities involved directly four central public administration bodies: the CIG – the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality; the IPDJ - Portuguese Institute for Sports and Youth; the ACM – the High Commission for Migration; and the INR – the National Institute for Rehabilitation. PpDM also developed a partnership with the private sector, disseminating the campaign video in shops throughout the country.

 More information


 Public sphere

Government: Protocols and partnerships

A protocol was signed between the CIG (national mechanism for gender equality) and PpDM to work in close collaboration in all endeavours related to the MAS project. Also joining the project as partners are IPDJ (The Portuguese Institute for Youth and Sports), UBI (The University of Beira Interior) and FPB (The Portuguese Basketball Federation). Under discussion, are still tripartite protocols with the National Institute for Rehabilitation (INR) and the High Commission for Migration (ACM). This partnership resulted to the project partners distributing all of the communication materials, PpDM activities on the MAS project, the Council of Europe recommendation and campaign tools in their respective networks, websites, and other communication tools. This is the reason why many of the activities of PpDM was well attended and commitments to implement action plans referencing the Council of Europe recommendation was achieved.

 Sports and Youth

IPDJ launched a 4-year Action Plan entitled Mulheres no Desporto. Construtoras do Futuro 2020-2023, which will include the resulting recommendations from the European project ALL IN: Towards gender balance in sport (2018-2019). This plan simultaneously answers the concerns of the Recommendation on preventing and combating sexism. It includes measures directed at strategic areas such as media, advertisement and women’s participation and leadership in sports. The Portuguese Institute for Sports and Youth also included a policy measure on preventing and combating sexism with 3 activities in their proposal of the forthcoming National Action Plan for Youth, 2022-2024.


PpDM signed a protocol with ESCS – School of Communication and Media Studies of Lisbon. In partnership with ESCS, and with the collaboration of the CIG and the Journalists' Union, they promoted the “RePARAR o Sexismo” Contest for the creation of short videos on preventing and combating sexism. The contest was launched on 8 March 2021 - International Women's Day.

PpDM and ESCS also collaborated in the context of their degree in Audio-visual and Multimedia, within the module of Project and Portfolio for the school’s year 2020/2021. A protocol signed between the PpDM and the ESCS, on 17 March 2021, aiming at students to produce a video in order to provide relevant information on the manifestations of sexist hate speech, particularly through the Internet, as well as the international commitments and existing legal mechanisms for its prevention and combat. The initiative raised awareness and contributed to the transformation of individual and collective attitudes towards this form of violence whilst promoting a non-sexist and peaceful society. Finally, ESCS students produced four Radio Spots that were broadcast on ESCS FM.


  Alexandra Silva, Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres

EVENTS & webinars

 2 October 2020: 1st Meeting with the Coeducation Network

 6 November 2020: 2nd Meeting with the Coeducation Network

 8 October 2020: Meeting with PpDM’s member organisations

 9 October 2020: Meeting with the Portuguese Institute for Youth and Sports (IPDJ)

 14 October 2020: Meeting with the National Institute for Rehabilitation (INR)

 16-19 October 2020: Strategic audiences in two actions promoted by member organisations Questão deI gualdade and SEIES

 19 October 2020: Meeting with the High Commission for Migration (ACM)

 23 October 2020: Meeting with PpDM’s member organisations

 5 November 2020: Meeting with the Lisbon School of Communication and Media Studies (ESCS-IPL) on the 5th of November

 10 November 2020: Workshop with 46 municipalities throughout the entire country

 20 November 2020: Civil society organisations, specifically focused on cooperation and development, on youth and on local development

 26 November 2020: Organisations and individuals working with people with disabilities. This awareness action was organised in cooperation with the INR

 27 November 2020: Meeting with the Portuguese Institute for Youth and Sports (IPDJ)

 2 December 2020: Debate on sexism, inspired by the project, organised by Graal (Facebook: Roda de Conversa sobre o Sexismo)

 January 2021: Final follow-up meeting with the Coeducation Network

 Five online events were organised from February to April 2021

97 participants in total (80 women and 17 men). Two were organised with the National Institute for Rehabilitation (INR) and participants were members from disability associations and sign language teachers, and 3 were organised with the High Commission for Migrations (ACM). The participants were ACM staff, Municipalities’ workers, and members of several associations, including migrant associations engaged with the welcoming and integration process.

 7 others online events in 2021

3 online training sessions for teachers from the 3rd cycle and secondary education, 1 online session for Municipalities’ workers, and 3 online sessions organised with the High Commission for Migration (ACM) for community mediators working in the Escolhas (Choices) Programme – a programme for social inclusion of children and youngsters from vulnerable socio-economic communities. After these sessions, 40 of the participants – community mediators – organised awareness raising multiplier sessions with the youngsters and children of the projects they run, challenging them to identify sexist lyrics in music and change them. They reached a further 486 participants by end-November.

activity & thematic reports

 Thematic report of activities 2020 PRT | ENG

 The Lisbon School of Communication activity report for 2021 PRT

Portuguese version


Campaign tools in Portuguese


National recommendations aligned with the Council of Europe recommendation

 Government PRT

 Parliament PRT | ENG

 Youth and sport PRTENG