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Training of Trainers on violence against women and domestic violence in Kosovo*

On 15-16 June 2021, under the project "Reinforcing the fight against violence against women and domestic violence - phase II", the Council of Europe in co-operation with the Justice Academy of Kosovo organised a two day Training of Trainers on violence against women and domestic violence, that took place at the Academy of Justice, Pristina.


A group of 14 participants comprised from the representatives of shelters for victims of violence against women and domestic violence (VAW and DV), women’s NGOs, Victims Advocacy Office, Ombudsperson Institution of Kosovo*, Ministry of Justice, Agency for Gender Equality and other civil society organizations, focused the interactive discussion on: 

  • The Council of Europe Istanbul Convention and other international standards on combating VAW and DV
  • Use of tools, methodologies and approaches to utilise when designing and delivering training in the area of VAW and DV
  • Relevant case studies to enhance knowledge on the sensitivity of the work with victims of VAW

This training is a result of the Training Curricula for Judges and Prosecutors developed by the project.


* All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

Pristina 28/06/2021
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