Back The Council of Europe publishes an updated compilation of Recommendations on gender equality

The Council of Europe publishes an updated compilation of Recommendations on gender equality

These recommendations are drawn up by government experts from member states, gathered in the Gender Equality Commission (GEC), which is accountable to the Committee of Ministers and allows for interaction between political interests and technical and sector-specific considerations. The adoption of recommendations by the Committee of Ministers involves the joint expression of European governmental opinions on the subjects concerned, which gives them considerable weight, even though they do not have the binding force of conventions. The compilation includes Recommendations on diverse topics, adopted between 1979 and 2019, on a diversity of topics, from the role of women and men in conflict prevention and resolution and in peace building to the protection and promotion of the rights of women and girls with disabilities, gender mainstreaming in sport and gender equality and media. To access the compilation, please click here.

Strasbourg 19/03/21
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