Back Mid-term Steering Committee Meeting

Council of Europe's Project “Reinforcing the Fight against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence in Kosovo*- Phase II “
Mid-term Steering Committee Meeting

On 17 July 2020, mid-term Steering Committee meeting of the project “Reinforcing the Fight against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence in Kosovo*- Phase II”, took place online with participation from Pristina and Strasbourg. The meeting featured introductory remarks from Frank Power, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Pristina and Jenny Stenberg Sørvol, the Deputy Ambassador of the Embassy of Norway in Kosovo*. In addition, Marta Becerra, the Head of Capacity building and co-operation projects unit at the Gender Equality Division of the Council of Europe and Merita Limani, the local Senior Project Officer presented on the project progress, achieved results and upcoming activities.

The meeting was attended by the Steering Committee members, which include key authorities and project partners in the sector of combating violence against women and domestic violence, such as Florian Dushi, the Deputy Minister of Justice/National Coordinator on Domestic Violence (attended partially), Edi Gucia, Head of the Agency for Gender Equality, Enver Fejzullahu, Head of Justice Academy, Mentor Morina, Director at Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Basri Kastrati, Director of the Victims Advocacy and Assistance Office and Merita Syla from the Ombudspersons Office.

The members of the Steering Committee acknowledged the project results achieved in all its components, and appreciated the ongoing efforts to enhance capacities of the legal professionals to prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence (VAW/DV) and raise awareness against it, and the support to enhance the standards for social services for victims of VAW/DV including the ongoing research on perpetrator programmes. The participants also informed about their efforts on enhancing laws and coordination in the area of combating domestic violence and re-stated their commitment to work closely with the project for stronger impact. The final project Steering Committee meeting will take place in June 2021.

The project ‘’Reinforcing the Fight against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence in Kosovo*- Phase II “ is co-financed by Norway and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

* All references to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo

Pristina 17/07/2020
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