Back Council of Europe side-events at UNECE Beijing+25 Regional Review meeting, 29-30.10.2019

Council of Europe side-events at UNECE Beijing+25 Regional Review meeting, 29-30.10.2019

The Council Europe co-organised two side-events in the margins of the UNECE Beijing+25 Regional Review meeting which took place in Geneva on 29 and 30 October 2019. One was on The Istanbul Convention in practice: Holistic care for victims of sexual violence which was co-organised with the Permanent Representation of Belgium to the United Nations in Geneva. The second, on Ending Violence against Women and Girls: Prevalence, Proposals and Partnerships, was co-organised with the International Council of Women, and co-sponsored by the French Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, the Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations in Geneva, the UN Women Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia and NGO/CSW Geneva.

Please consult the website where you can find the reports of these events.

For more information on the regional review meeting, please consult the UNECE webpage


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