Back 2017 annual report on the implementation of the Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy

2017 annual report on the implementation of the Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy

The Council of Europe has just published the 2017 annual report on the last year of implementation of its 2014-2017 Gender Equality Strategy, the guiding policy framework aimed at realising real equality between women and men in the Council of Europe. Member states have continued to engage in activities related to the implementation of each of the five objectives of the Strategy.

2017 also saw the publication of the Analytical Report of the third round of monitoring on the implementation of Committee of Ministers Recommendation Rec(2003)3 on balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making.

There has been continued progress in gender mainstreaming of activities both within the Council of Europe and at the national level.

The Council of Europe further developed and strengthened strategic partnerships with other regional and international organisations and with civil society. A global collaborative approach is all the more necessary to ensure progress towards achieving gender equality and the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Strasbourg 9 February 2018
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