Back Italy should set up an independent and effective equality body and do more to counter hate speech

Italy should set up an independent and effective equality body and do more to counter hate speech

In a report published today, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) calls on Italy to set up a fully independent and effective equality body and reinforce the National Office Against Racial Discrimination as a fully-fledged official co-ordinating body. Italy should in particular adopt a National Action Plan Against Racism, organise an awareness raising campaign aimed at promoting equality, diversity and intercultural and interfaith dialogue, and take further action to combat hate speech by public figures.

Since ECRI’s previous report in 2016 progress has been made in several fields. The data collection system regarding bullying incidents in schools, including on grounds of ethnicity and sexual orientation, has been developed. In addition, online courses on combating bullying have been made available to teachers. In the field of LGBTI equality, progress has been made with the recognition of same-sex partnership, the adoption of the National LGBT+ Strategy and the provision of quality information on healthcare to transgender patients. The authorities have also introduced a system of financial support for centres against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, including shelters for LGBTI victims of violence.

Significant efforts have been made to alert young people about dangers of online hate speech, notably through awareness-raising campaigns and activities conducted by law enforcement officials in schools and other places frequented by young people. Moreover, the institutional framework aimed at counteracting antisemitism has been developed and commitment has been made to eliminate antisemitic symbols and behaviour during sport events. Several measures have been also taken to increase the capacity of law enforcement officials to tackle hate crimes. Efforts have also been taken to provide access to health care to migrants. The number of Roma living in settlements has significantly decreased, at least partly due to housing transition projects carried out by local authorities.

However, despite the progress achieved, some issues continue to give rise to concern. The legal status of the National Office Against Racial Discrimination - “Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazioni Razziali” (UNAR) and its significant role in shaping and co-ordinating governmental policies are incompatible with the requirement of independence of an equality body.

LGBTI persons continue to face prejudice and discrimination in everyday life. Furthermore, the procedure for legal gender recognition continues to be complicated, lengthy, and over-medicalised. The public discourse has become increasingly xenophobic and political speech has taken on highly divisive and antagonistic overtones particularly targeting refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, as well as Italian citizens with migration backgrounds, Roma and LGBTI persons.

The capacity of law enforcement officials to address hate-motivated violence is diminished by underreporting and lack of trust on the part of people belonging to groups of concern to ECRI. Migrant children are said to be more exposed to bullying in schools and leave the system of education earlier than Italian children. Many Roma still reside in city outskirts with limited access to public transportation and forced evictions of Roma in violation of international standards have reportedly continued. There are also numerous accounts of racial profiling by law enforcement officials, targeting especially Roma and people of African descent.

Therefore, ECRI recommends that Italy set up a fully independent and effective equality body, in consultation with civil society organisations, while reinforcing UNAR as a fully-fledged official co-ordinating body responsible for inter alia the design, implementation and monitoring of the implementation of policies and other measures against racism and intolerance.

The authorities should also finalise and adopt a new National Action Plan against Racism and organise an awareness-raising campaign for the public promoting equality, diversity, intercultural and interfaith dialogue. According to ECRI, public figures, including high-level officials and politicians on all sides, should take a stance against the expression of racist and LGBTI-phobic hate speech and promote understanding between communities. Italy should also take steps to increase support for children with migration background and take further steps to address the difficult housing situation of Roma.

Finally, when it comes to combating racism and intolerance within law enforcement agencies, the authorities should commission a comprehensive and independent study with the aim of detecting and addressing any racial profiling practices by law enforcement officials affecting in particular Roma and people of African descent.

ECRI and Italy

Strasbourg 22 October 2024
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