Back Norway protects two additional languages under Part III of the Charter: Lule Sami and South Sami

Norway protects two additional languages under Part III of the Charter:  Lule Sami and South Sami


On 14 October 2021, Norway notified the Council of Europe that it will apply Part III of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages to the Lule Sami language and the South Sami language as of that date, in respect of the territory for which the Kingdom of Norway is responsible for international relations.

The decision taken following a public consultation strengthens the protection and promotion of the languages of the Sami. The Government of the Kingdom of Norway has selected 43 additional undertakings for each of these two languages encompassing, for example, primary and secondary education in or of the Lule and South Sami languages at the request of parents, if the number of pupils is sufficient, and the possibility of submitting documents and applications to the judicial and administrative authorities in the two protected languages. In addition, the Norwegian Government's commitments cover the media, cultural activities, economic and social life and cross-border cooperation, especially at the level of regional and local authorities between the neighbouring countries.

While welcoming the Norwegian declaration, the Committee of Experts of the Language Charter encourages States Parties to regularly review their level of commitment under the Charter to reflect improvements in the situation of their regional or minority languages.

The Treaty Office notification can be consulted here:

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Secretariat of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages

Directorate of Anti-Discrimination
DGII Democracy
Council of Europe
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