
Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)2 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on deinstitutionalisation and community living of children with disabilities (version russe)

Recommendation CM/Rec(2009)9 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the education and social inclusion of children and young people with autism spectrum disorders (version russe / version ukrainienne)

Recommendation CM/Rec(2009)8 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on achieving full participation through Universal Design (version russe / version ukrainienne)

Recommendation CM/Rec(2009)6 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on ageing and disability in the 21st century: sustainable frameworks to enable greater quality of life in an inclusive society (version russeversion ukrainienne)

Recommendations and Guidelines to promote community living for children with disabilities and de-institutionalisation as well as to help families to take care of their disabled child at home

Resolution ResAP(2007)4 on the education and social inclusion of children and young people with autism spectrum disorders

Resolution ResAP(2007)3 “Achieving full participation through Universal Design”

Recommendation Rec(2006)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the Council of Europe Action Plan to promote the rights and full participation of people with disabilities in society: improving the quality of life of people with disabilities in Europe 2006-2015

Resolution ResAP(2005) 1 on safeguarding adults and children with disabilities against abuse and Explanatory Memorandum.

Resolution ResAP(2005) 1 on safeguarding adults and children with disabilities against abuse.

Resolution ResAP(2001)3 Towards full citizenship of persons with disabilities through inclusive new technologies

Resolution ResAP(2001)3 Towards full citizenship of persons with disabilities through inclusive new technologies

Resolution ResAP(2001)3 Towards full citizenship of persons with disabilities through inclusive new technologies and Explanatory Memorandum

Resolution ResAP(2001)1 on the introduction of the principles of universal design into the curricula of all occupations working on the built environment (“Tomar Resolution”)

Resolution ResAP(2001)1 on the introduction of the principles of universal design into the curricula of all occupations working on the built environment (“Tomar Resolution”)

Resolution ResAP(2001)1 on the introduction of the principles of universal design into the curricula of all occupations working on the built environment (“Tomar Resolution”) and Background Information

Resolution AP (95) 3 on a Charter on the vocational assessment of people with disabilities.

Recommendation N° R (92) 6 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on  a coherent policy for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities.

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Back New General Assembly Resolution on Situation of Women and Girls with Disabilities

On 21 November 2017, the Third Committee of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly adopted the draft resolution A/C.3/72/L.18/Rev.1 on the “Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol thereto: situation of women and girls with disabilities.” It recognises that women and girls with disabilities are faced with multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination which poses barriers in all aspects of life. The draft resolution, inter alia, acknowledges the importance of taking measures to raise awareness of the rights of women and girls with disabilities in order to eliminate stereotypes, prejudices and violence.

Awareness raising on the rights of persons with disabilities, equal opportunities and freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse are among the priority areas of the Council of Europe Strategy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Human Rights a Reality for All.

More information about the UN General Assembly draft resolution is available on this page.

Strasbourg 05/12/2017
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