7th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum
Lucca, Italy, 27-29 September 2017
30 years of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: building dialogue and sustainable development through European values and heritage
From 27 to 29 September 2017, the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Programme celebrated its 30th anniversary on the occasion of the 7th Annual Advisory Forum on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe. The event was organized by the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, the Tuscany Region, the Province of Lucca, the City of Lucca and the European Institute of Cultural Routes.
The 2017 Annual Advisory Forum celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme, highlighting its past, present and future contributions to the promotion of the values of the Council of Europe in the field of human rights, cultural heritage and intercultural dialogue, with a particular attention to the role of democratic citizenship and sustainable, accessible cultural tourism. Other themes explored during the Forum were cultural heritage and sustainable tourism in terms of democratic participation, local development and accessibility, and the promotion of cultural diversity, dialogue and cultural diplomacy.
During the Forum, the “Lucca Roadmap” was prepared with the aim of giving clear indications on actions which Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe should implement in order to achieve the objectives indicated in the Declaration by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe 30th Anniversary of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (1987-2017), better known as the "Santiago +30 Declaration".
Forum brought together almost 400 participants from more than 30 countries of Europe and beyond. Representatives from almost 30 certified Cultural Routes and 20 network projects were present, as well as delegates from 20 Member States of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes, of the Council of Europe, the European Commission, the European Parliament, UNESCO, ICOMOS and the World Tourism Organization.
7th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum Programme
Day 1
Exhibitions and events on Cultural Routes open to the public (free entrance, 27-29 September, Real Collegio)
10:00 Lucca city guided tour (meeting point: Palazzo Ducale main entrance)
13:30 – 15:00 Registration of the participants
14:00 – 15:00 Meeting of the Presidents of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (Room Academia I)
14:00 – 15:00 Meeting of the Managers of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (Room Academia II)
14:00 – 15:00 Meeting of the University Network of Cultural Routes Studies (Room Giunta)
15:00 – 15:30 Networking Café
Welcoming remarks
- Luca MENESINI, President, Lucca Province Alessandro
- TAMBELLINI, Mayor, City of Lucca
- Maria Laura SIMONETTI, Prefect, Lucca Province Opening statements
- Gabriella BATTAINI-DRAGONI, Deputy Secretary General, Council of Europe
- Dario FRANCESCHINI, Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Italy (tbc)
- Monica BARNI, Vice-President, Tuscany Region
- Alfredas JOMANTAS, President, Governing Board, Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe (EPA)
- Barbara ZECHES, Vice-President, European Institute of Cultural Routes, Luxembourg Other statements
- Andrea MARCUCCI, President, Senate Culture Commission, Italy
- Barbara TOCE, Vice-President, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Council of Europe
- Catherine LALUMIERE, Former Secretary General, Council of Europe (Video-message)
- Carla DI FRANCESCO, Future Secretary General, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Italy
- Francesco PALUMBO, Director General of Tourism, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Italy
- Silvia COSTA, Member of the European Parliament, Former President of the Committee on Culture and Education
- Stefano CIUOFFO, Counsellor for Productive Activities, Credit, Tourism and Commerce, Tuscany Region
Accession Ceremony for EPA Member States who joined the Partial Agreement during 2017
Alfredas JOMANTAS, President, Governing Board, EPA on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe
Awards ceremony for the personalities who have marked the history of the Cultural Routes programme
Ceremony for the certified Cultural Route of the Council of Europe Concert “Puccini Opera and Jazz”
Overnight stay in Lucca and Montecatini Terme (transfer provided to Montecatini Terme)
Day 2
Exhibitions and events on Cultural Routes open to the public (free entrance, 27-29 September, Real Collegio)
08:30 - 09:00 Registration of the participants
PLENARY SESSION 09:00 - 10:30
Keynote Speech
Pier Luigi SACCO, Professor of Economy of Culture IULM University, Milan
2018: European Year of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe
Erminia SCIACCHITANO, Policy Officer, Culture, Heritage, Economy of Culture, DG for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission
Introduction to the Forum Workshops and Forum methodology
- Stefano DOMINIONI, Executive Secretary, EPA on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe. Director, European Institute of Cultural Routes
- Eleonora BERTI, Council of Europe Cultural Routes Project Coordinator, European Institute of Cultural Routes
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break
WORKSHOPS 1 11:00 - 12:45
30 years of Cultural Routes history, values, and future perspectives
The Cultural Routes programme was launched by the Council of Europe in 1987, with the objective of demonstrating, by means of a journey through space and time, how the heritage of the different countries and cultures of Europe contributes to a shared cultural heritage. Cultural Routes are grass-roots networks promoting the principles which underlie the work and values of the Council of Europe: human rights, cultural democracy, cultural diversity, mutual understanding and exchanges across boundaries. They also offer opportunities to tell Europe’s history through the different standpoints of the networks. The session will explore the history of the programme, the challenges Cultural Routes are facing today and the strategies and perspectives for the coming years.
- Mike ROBINSON, Director, Ironbridge Institute, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
- Stefano DOMINIONI, Executive Secretary, Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe. Director, European Institute of Cultural Routes
- José Maria BALLESTER, Former Director of Culture, Cultural and Natural Heritage, Council of Europe
- Raymond WEBER, Former Director General, Culture, Education, Youth and Sport, Council of Europe
- Kimmo AULAKE, Chair of the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP), Council of Europe
- Erna HENNICOT-SCHOEPGES, Former President, European Institute of Cultural Routes
- Guy DOCKENDORF, Former President, European Institute of Cultural Routes
- Colette FLESCH, President, European Institute of Cultural Routes
- Alfredas JOMANTAS, President, Governing Board, EPA on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe Michel
- THOMAS-PENETTE, Former Director, European Institute of Cultural Routes
- Ana Luiza THOMPSON-FLORES, Director, Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, UNESCO
- Alessia MARIOTTI, Head of Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism, University of Bologna, Italy
- Paolo CAUCCI VON SAUCKEN, Santiago de Compostela Scientific Committee
Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: Flash info
- Santiago de Compostela Pilgrim Routes (certified in 1987): Simone PETTIROSSI, «Assessment of the progress made and future perspectives»
- Via Francigena (certified in 1994): Ms. Velia COFFEY, «Values and political perspectives about the Programme»
- Saint Martin of Tours Route (certified in 2005): Antoine SELOSSE, «The Green Band and citizenship – Route of sharing»
- European Route of Historical Thermal Towns (certified in 2010): Paul SIMONS, «Thermal Atlas: thermal towns GIS database project»
- Via Habsburg (certified in 2014): Mr. Jean KLINKERT, «Multimedia project for the promotion of heritage»
- Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route (certified in 2015): Vladan KREČKOVIĆ, «Interpretation of the cultural heritage along the Roman Emperors and the Danube Wine Route»
- In the Footsteps of R. L. Stevenson (certified in 2015): Christian BROCHIER, «Cultural Routes funding»
12:45 - 14:00 Networking Lunch and degustation of local products
WORKSHOPS 2 14:00 - 16:00
Cultural heritage and sustainable tourism: democratic participation, local development and accessibility
Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe offer a unique model linking cultural heritage and cultural tourism, active participation of civil society and cooperation between international organizations. They are tools to implement innovative projects and approaches to sustainable local development in a European perspective and to enhance exchanges of good practices across European Countries and regions and between Europe and other Continents.
- Danièle KÜSS, Expert and Former Head of International Tourism Development, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development
- Gavin BELL, Expert, sustainable tourism, Food Nature and Culture
- Prosper WANNER, Director of Hotel du Nord, Implementation of Faro Framework Convention of the Council of Europe
- Yoel MANSFELD, Head, Center for Tourism Pilgrimage & Recreation Research, University of Haifa, Israel
- Tim FAIRHURST, Head of Strategy and Policy, European Tourism Association (ETOA)
- Alberto PERUZZINI, Director, Toscana Promozione Turistica
- Isabel GARAÑA, Regional Director for Europe, UNWTO
- Alberto DRAGONE, Cultural Routes specialist, European Alliance for Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (EARTH)
- Frédéric BOUIX, President, International Federation of Equestrian Tourism (FITE) (tbc)
- José Luis MAESTRO, Member of the Executive Committee, Network of European Regions for Competitive and Sustainable Tourism (NECSTouR)
- Sara VITALI, Europe Business Development, Visit.org
- Pietro SCIDURLO, President, Free Wheels Onlus
- Nicholas MONTEMAGGI, Director of Marketing & Project Management,
- Ambassador Emma TAVERI, Co-founder, Destination Makers
Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: Flash info
- The Hansa (certified in 1991): Inger HARLEVI, «HANSA – sustainable development based on authenticity and common cultural heritage»
- Viking Routes (certified in 1993): Ea STEVNS MATZON, «The route projects in terms of sustainable tourism offer»
- Route of Saint Olav Ways (certified in 2010): Hans MORTEN LØVRØD, «Sustainable tourism along St Olav ways»
- Huguenot and Waldesian Trail (certified in 2013): Davide ROSSO, «Accessibility project»
- ATRIUM, Architecture of totalitarian regimes of the 20th century (certified in 2014): Elisa GIOVANNETTI, «ATRIUM and the social sustainability in the framework of the Faro convention»
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break
WORKSHOPS 3 16:30 - 18:15
Promoting cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and culture in international relations
Routes have always been a place for encounters between cultures, traditions, heritage, languages and skills. Traveling and mobility still generate new spaces for dialogue today (Council of Europe White Paper on intercultural dialogue, 2008).
The Cultural Routes aim to “promote dialogue between urban and rural cultures, between regions in the south, north, east and west of Europe, and between developed and disadvantaged regions” and “promote dialogue and understanding between majority and minority, native and immigrant cultures” (Council of Europe Resolution CM/ Res(2013)67), involving young people. Which role can the Council of Europe’s Cultural Routes play within today’s multicultural societies? How can the principles of dialogue help to structure coherent grass-roots projects across Europe’s diverse regions? How Cultural Routes can become tools for culture in international relations?
- Peter BURNS, Director, INTOUR, University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
- Eleonora BERTI, Council of Europe Cultural Routes Project Coordinator, European Institute of Cultural Routes
- Eladio FERNÁNDEZ-GALIANO, Head of Culture, Nature and Heritage Department, Council of Europe
- Francisco MILLAN MON, Co-Chair of the Intergroup “Development of European Tourism, Cultural Heritage, Ways of Saint James and other European Cultural Routes”, European Parliament
- Joanna MOULIOU NIESSLER, Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission
- Alla PERESSOLOVA, Head of UNWTO Silk Road Programme, UNWTO
- Monica GARCIA, Responsible of Cultural projects, OEI (Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture)
- Werner VON TRÜTZSCHLER, ICOMOS, Scientific Committee Cultural Routes, ICOMOS
- Ahmed A. EL-WAHED, Director, Academy for International Development – Middle East (AIDME)
- Françoise GED, Director of the Contemporary’s China Architecture Observatory, Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine
- Min ZHANG, PhD Researcher, Faculty of Tourism and Geography, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain
Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: Flash info
- The Route of El legado andalusí (certified in 1997): Ana CARREÑO, “El legado andalusí: an intercultural project”
- European Mozart Ways (certified in 2004): Maria MAJNO, “The route as artistic, scientific, touristic and educational network”
- VIA REGIA (certified in 2005): Karline FISCHER, “Bridge between East and West Europe”
- Routes of the Olive Tree (certified in 2005): Zoe KAZAZAKI, “ Activities of intercultural dialogue and sustainable tourism along the Routes of the Olive Tree”
- Iter Vitis (certified in 2009): Emanuela PANKE, “Route work with reference to cultural diplomacy”
19:30 Buffet dinner - Historical thermal building of Montecatini (transfer by bus)
Overnight stay in Lucca and Montecatini Terme (transfer provided Montecatini Terme and Lucca)
Day 3
Exhibitions and events on Cultural Routes open to the public (free entrance, 27-29 September, Real Collegio)
SPECIAL SESSION I 9:00 - 10:30
Presentations from EPA Member States
- Giuliana DE FRANCESCO, Head of Unit European multilateral relations, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Italy
- Edin VELADZIC, Senior Adviser for European Integration and International Cultural Cooperation, Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, “Cultural Routes in Bosnia and Herzegovina”
- Marianne LEHTIMÄKI, Cultural heritage expert, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture of Finland, “Cultural Routes in Finland”
- Levan KHARATISHVILI, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia, “Cultural Routes in Georgia”
- Giuliana DE FRANCESCO, Head of Unit European multilateral relations, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Italy, “Cultural Routes in Italy
- Steliana COJOCARIU, Counselor, Ministry of Tourism of Romania, “Cultural Routes implemented in Romania and the Alector Project”
- Evgeniy RODIONOV (HANSA), Inna SVIDERSKAYA (Peter’s Route) and Vadim DUDA – (Slavic Routes), on behalf of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, “Cultural Routes in the Russian Federation”
10:30 - 10:45 Coffee break
SPECIAL SESSION II 10:45 - 12:30
Presentations from Cultural Routes projects
- Stefano DOMINIONI, Executive Secretary, EPA on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe. Director, European Institute of Cultural Routes
- Georges LUCENET, Vice-President, Impressionisms Route
- Leslie MOZDZAN, Project Manager, Le Corbusier Cultural Route
- Apolónia RODRIGUES, Coordinator, European Network of Places of Peace
- Josette DURRIEU, President, Euroviastella
- Noël ORSAT, Manager, Via Charlemagne
- Rémi PRAUD, Deputy Director, European Liberation Route
- Martina JANOCHOVA, Director, European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius
- Guy DOCKENDORF, President, Via Memoria Mauthausen
- Patrizia VEZZOSI, Manager, Leonardo da Vinci Route
- Jaume DULSAT, President, European Network of Historic Gardens Pier
- Francesco BERNACCHI, President, European Fairy-Tale Route
- Massimo PREITE, Board member, European Route of Industrial Heritage
- Frédéric BOUIX, President, D’Artagnan Cultural Route (tbc)
- Flavio FOIETTA and Michael WEISS, Via Romea Germanica
- Valérie ALANIECE and Marina BRESCIANI, European Templars Route
- Andrea NARDONE, Route of knowledge
- Tara Francesco BORGHESE and Giovanni CAFIERO, Aeneas Route – Lavinium Foundation
- Simone LONGHI, Director, Via Lauretana
- Roberto CIAMBETTI, President - Consiglio regionale del Veneto, Via Querinissima
- Ugo PICARELLI, Director, Borsa Mediterranea del Turismo Archeologico
B2B (for registered organizations and Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe representatives)
Introduction: Alberto D’ALESSANDRO, Lucca Forum Operational Coordinator
Coordinators: Tim FAIRHURST (Head of Strategy and Policy) and Fabrizio AJO (Country Representative – Italy), European Tourism Association (ETOA)
Held in parallel with the Forum and organised by the European Institute of Cultural Routes in partnership with ETOA (European Tourism Association), the B2B networking event “Cultural Routes trade Fair” will be the opportunity for some twenty registered European companies and tourism organisations to meet and discuss possible joint ventures with the representatives of the 31 Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe. Some of the tourism products presented by the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe were developed during the Training Academy 2017 (Alba Iulia, Romania) and focused on the “Development of sustainable tourism products along the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe”
CLOSING SESSION 12:30 - 13:00
Adoption of the 30th Anniversary Roadmap and conclusion of the Forum
- Eladio FERNÁNDEZ-GALIANO, Head of Culture, Nature and Heritage Department, Council of Europe
- Alfredas JOMANTAS, President, Governing Board, EPA on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe
- Stefano DOMINIONI, Executive Secretary, EPA on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe. Director, European Institute of Cultural Routes
2018 Annual Advisory Forum (Görlitz, Germany)
- Ulrich MENKE, Head of the Department, Ministry of the Interior of Saxony, Germany
- Siegfried DEINEGE, Lord Mayor of Görlitz, Germany
Departure to explore the Cultural Routes in the Lucca Region (Collodi and Montecarlo)
Lunch in the Historic Garzoni Garden
Study visit in Collodi: Pinocchio Park and Historic Garzoni Garden - Cultural Routes Projects “European Fairy Tale Route” and “European Route of Historic Gardens”
Wine tasting in Montecarlo di Lucca
Arrival in Lucca/Montecatini
End of Forum
7th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum Complete Programme
Roadmap of the 7th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum
Santiago 30+ Declaration
Plenary Session
- Erminia SCIACCHITANO, Policy Officer, Culture, Heritage, Economy of Culture, DG for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission
Workshop 1
- Mike ROBINSON, Director, Ironbridge Institute, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
- Raymond WEBER, Former Director General, Culture, Education, Youth and Sport, Council of Europe
- Kimmo AULAKE, Chair of the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP), Council of Europe
- Guy DOCKENDORF, Former President, European Institute of Cultural Routes
- Ana Luiza THOMPSON-FLORES, Director, Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, UNESCO
Workshop 2
- Prosper WANNER, Director of Hotel du Nord, Implementation of Faro Framework Convention of the Council of Europe
- Yoel MANSFELD, Head, Center for Tourism Pilgrimage & Recreation Research, University of Haifa, Israel
- Isabel GARAÑA, Regional Director for Europe, UNWTO
- Alberto DRAGONE, Cultural Routes specialist, European Alliance for Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (EARTH)
- Cecilia DO-TEGGOUR, International Federation of Equestrian Tourism (FITE)
- Sara VITALI, Europe Business Development, Visit.org
- Nicholas MONTEMAGGI, Director of Marketing & Project Management
Workshop 3
- Eladio FERNÁNDEZ-GALIANO, Head of Culture, Nature and Heritage Department, Council of Europe
- Francisco MILLAN MON, Co-Chair of the Intergroup “Development of European Tourism, Cultural Heritage, Ways of Saint James and other European Cultural Routes”, European Parliament
- Alla PERESSOLOVA, Head of UNWTO Silk Road Programme, UNWTO
- Monica GARCIA, Responsible of Cultural projects, OEI (Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture)
- Werner VON TRÜTZSCHLER, ICOMOS, Scientific Committee Cultural Routes, ICOMOS
- Françoise GED, Director of the Contemporary’s China Architecture Observatory, Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine
- Min ZHANG, PhD Researcher, Faculty of Tourism and Geography, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain
Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: Flash info
- Via Francigena (certified in 1994): Ms. Velia COFFEY, «Values and political perspectives about the Programme»
- Saint Martin of Tours Route (certified in 2005): Antoine SELOSSE, «The Green Band and citizenship – Route of sharing»
- Via Habsburg (certified in 2014): Mr. Jean KLINKERT, «Multimedia project for the promotion of heritage»
- Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route (certified in 2015): Vladan KREČKOVIĆ, «Interpretation of the cultural heritage along the Roman Emperors and the Danube Wine Route»
- The Hansa (certified in 1991): Inger HARLEVI, «HANSA – sustainable development based on authenticity and common cultural heritage»
- Viking Routes (certified in 1993): Ea STEVNS MATZON, «The route projects in terms of sustainable tourism offer»
- The European Route of Megalithic Culture (certified in 2013): Bodo ZEHM, “ Sustainable tourism along the European Route of Megalithic Culture”
- The Route of El legado andalusí (certified in 1997): Ana CARREÑO, “El legado andalusí: an intercultural project”
- European Mozart Ways (certified in 2004): Maria MAJNO, “The route as artistic, scientific, touristic and educational network”
- The Phoenicians’ Route (certified in 2003): Antonio BARONE, “The Phoenicians' Route, cultural route of intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean"
- The European Route of Jewish Heritage (certified in 2004): Francois MOYSE and Victor SORENNSEN, “European Days of Jewish Culture”
- Routes of the Olive Tree (certified in 2005): Zoe KAZAZAKI, “Activities of intercultural dialogue and sustainable tourism along the Routes of the Olive Tree”
- Iter Vitis (certified in 2009): Emanuela PANKE, “Iter vitis and cultural diplomacy”
Special Session I
- "Cultural Routes in Bosnia and Herzegovina", Edin VELADZIC, Senior Adviser for European Integration and International Cultural Cooperation, Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- "Cultural Routes in Finland", Marianne LEHTIMÄKI, Cultural heritage expert, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture of Finland
- "Cultural Routes in Georgia", Levan KHARATISHVILI, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia
- "Cultural Routes implemented in Romania and the Alector Project", Steliana COJOCARIU, Counselor, Ministry of Tourism of Romania
- "Cultural Routes in the Russian Federation", Evgeniy RODIONOV (The Hansa), Inna SVIDERSKAYA (Peter’s Route) and Vadim DUDA (Slavic Routes), on behalf of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Special Session II
- Georges LUCENET, Vice-President, Impressionisms Route
- Leslie MOZDZAN, Project Manager, Le Corbusier Cultural Route
- Apolónia RODRIGUES, Coordinator, European Network of Places of Peace
- Josette DURRIEU, President, Euroviastella
- Noël ORSAT, Manager, Via Charlemagne
- Rémi PRAUD, Deputy Director, European Liberation Route
- Martina JANOCHOVA, Director, European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius
- Guy DOCKENDORF, President, Via Memoria Mauthausen
- Patrizia VEZZOSI, Manager, Leonardo da Vinci Route
- Jaume DULSAT, President, European Network of Historic Gardens
- Pier Francesco BERNACCHI, President, European Fairy-Tale Route
- Massimo PREITE, Board member, European Route of Industrial Heritage
- Cecilia DO_TEGGOUR, D’Artagnan Cultural Route
- Flavio FOIETTA and Michael WEISS, Via Romea Germanica
- Valérie ALANIECE and Marina BRESCIANI, European Templars Route
- Sabino IANUZZI, Route of knowledge
- Tara Francesco BORGHESE and Giovanni CAFIERO, Aeneas Route – Lavinium Foundation
- Simone LONGHI, Director, Via Lauretana
2018 Annual Advisory Forum Presentation
- Siegfried DEINEGE, Lord Mayor of Görlitz, Germany

Palazzo Ducale
Cortile Carrara
55100 Lucca (ITALY)
Teatro del Giglio
Piazza del Giglio, 13/15
55100 Lucca (ITALY)
Real Collegio
Piazza del Collegio, 13
55100 Lucca (ITALY)