Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) has just joined the University Network on Cultural Routes Studies. A General Framework Agreement for Collaboration between the University and the European Institute of Cultural Routes was signed by Mr. Stefano DOMINIONI, Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) and Director of European Institute of Cultural Routes, and Prof. Mr. Boas EREZ, Rector of USI.
USI is the 11th academic institution to join the University Network for Cultural Routes Studies.
Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) has its seat in Lugano, Switzerland. The USI UNESCO Chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites is committed to perform extensive research and teaching on how ICT can be effectively exploited to develop and promote sustainable tourism at the World Heritage Sites. It counts a long-standing dialogue and cooperation with the EICR and the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme. Prof. Lorenzo CANTONI is the current Chair-holder of the USI UNESCO Chair.
The University Network for Cultural Routes Studies is a network of Universities interested in the study of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe. The Network aims to encourage the conduct of research on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe related issues, encourage students to undertake their academic research on Cultural Routes, jointly apply for European Grants with the EICR, participate in the annual programme of activities of the EICR and offer scientific advice where required.