Kosovo* has conducted a number of important rule of law reforms in recent years. Within the framework of the two phases of the EU/CoE Project against Economic Crime in Kosovo (PECK I and II), two assessments on “Compliance with international standards in the anti-corruption area” (CoE AC Assessment) and on “Compliance of Kosovo with intentional anti-money laundering and combatting the financing of terrorism standards” (CoE AML/CTF Assessment) were conducted pursuant to CoE evaluation methodologies. The findings of these assessments have supported some notable improvements and have provided local authorities with a blueprint of steps to be taken to ensure conformity with relevant international benchmarks. Furthermore, several capacity building inputs were provided by previous rounds of PECK in concrete areas, including strategic analysis and risk assessments in the AML, anti-corruption and anti-money laundering criminal procedures and case management, as well as international networking activities.

Challenges however remain. Kosovo needs to further adjust its anti-corruption and AML/CFT regulatory framework in select areas and, more pressingly, needs to boost effective application of anti-corruption and particularly AML/CFT efforts. To support Kosovo in these endeavours, the Agreement on the “Project against Economic Crime (PECK) Phase III” was signed between the Council of Europe and EU Office in Pristina. PECK III started on 30 June 2020, with a duration of 36 months and a budget of 2,460,400 Euro (EU funds: 90% and CoE funds: 10%).

PECK III seeks to enhance anti-corruption and AML/CFT practices in Kosovo, in line with applicable European and international standards and good comparative practices. For the purpose of achieving the above objective, the project will ensure, through its activities that:

  1. Practitioners in Kosovo have developed effective and sustainable capacities for preventing and supressing corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing;
  2. Kosovo authorities effectively implement asset recovery legislation; and
  3. Economic crime case processing by Kosovo authorities is improved.

The main counterparts of the PECK III Project are: Kosovo Anti-Corruption Agency; Financial Intelligence Unit, State Prosecution, Agency for Managing Sequestrated and Confiscated assets, and Kosovo Police.

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On 23 July 2020, PECK III organised a video-conference with representatives of civil society organisations active in the area of whistleblowing promotion and protection in Kosovo. The meeting also profited from participation of representatives of the Ministry of Justice, and the “Action for Kosovo” the EU/CoE Joint Programme on Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Media in South-East Europe (JUFREX 2). The objective of the meeting was to establish a forum where further needs concerning the consolidation of the whistleblower protection system in Kosovo would be discussed and synergies agreed upon.

The meeting concluded with agreement on the establishment of the Whistleblower Forum which would meet periodically. Furthermore, the Ministry of Justice also committed to convening a meeting aimed at finalising the drafting of the Regulation on handling whistleblowers’ cases.

This activity builds on the partnership between the civil society and PECK II, which led to the adoption of the Law on protection of Whistleblowers in 2018. PECK III will continue to further support the establishment of a functioning a whistleblower mechanism in Kosovo throughout 2020-2022.

Pristina, Kosovo* 23 July 2020
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Unit for EU Member States & Neighbourhood

Contacts in Headquarters (Strasbourg)

Head of Unit
Mr Edmond DUNGA
Phone: +33 (0)3 90 21 66 52
Fax: +33 (0)3 88 41 39 55
Email: Edmond.DUNGA [at] coe.int

Project Assistant
Phone: +33 (0)3 88 41 28 61
Email: Amila.BERKOVIC [at] coe.int


Contacts in Pristina

Senior Projet Officer
Phone: +383 38 407 750 ext. 105
Email: Vlora.MARMULLAKAJ [at] coe.int

Projet Linguistic Assistant
Phone: +383 38 407 750 ext. 110
Email: Shpend.MIFTARI [at] coe.int

Council of Europe Office in Pristina
Bedri Pejani street, no.17/18
10000 Pristina, Kosovo*
Phone: +383 38 407 750 or 751
Fax : +383 38 407 752
Email: coe.pristina [at] coe.int

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.


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