Back 14 persons indicted on the charges of organising and participating in terrorist attacks

14 persons indicted on the charges of organising and participating in terrorist attacks on the day of Parliamentary elections on 16 October 2016. After six months of intensive investigation, the Special State Prosecutor's Office submitted to the High Court indictments against fourteen persons who have been charged with organising and participating in terrorist attacks on the day of the Parliamentary elections. Among the indicted persons are two leaders of the opposition party (Democratic Front) and two agents of the Russian Main Intelligence Agency (GRU). Results of the investigation showed that Sismakov and Popov (GRU agents) formed groups on the territory of Montenegro, Serbia and Russia with the aim to "carry out an indeterminate number of criminal acts of terrorism" and criminal acts “murder of highest representatives of Montenegro". According to the investigation, leaders of the opposition party (Democratic front) Andrija Mandic and Milan Knezevic, played a significant role in the activities of this criminal group. The Special State Prosecutor's Office of Montenegro asked Russian authorities to attend a hearing of the Russian suspects and is still waiting for the official response.

April 2017
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