
Palais de l’Europe, Room 9, Strasbourg

6 (2.00pm) - 9 December 2011 (12.00 am)

  1. Opening of the meeting
  2. Adoption of the draft agenda
  Working documents

Draft agenda

CDPC (2011) 29

Annotated agenda

  3. Council for Penological Co-operation (PC-CP)
  Working documents
PC-CP (2011) 11

Summary report of the meeting of 16-18 May 2011

PC-CP (2011) 18

Summary report of the meeting of 8-10 November 2011

  a. Foreign nationals in prisons

Working documents

PC-CP (2011) 5

Draft Recommendation concerning foreign prisoners

PC-CP (2011) 6

Draft commentary on the Recommendation

  b. Draft European Code on Prison Staff Ethics

Working documents

PC-CP (2011) 7

Draft Code of Ethics for Prison Staff

  c. Follow-up to the 30th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers of Justice, “Modernising Justice in the Third Milennium: transparent and efficient justice; prisons in today’s Europe” (Istanbul, Turkey, 24 – 26 November 2010)

Working documents

CDPC (2011) 6 rev

Discussion paper on the follow-up to be given to resolution n° 2 on prison policy in today’s Europe adopted at the 30th Council of Europe conference of ministers of justice

PC-CP (2011) 10

Questionnaire regarding the implementation of the most recent Council of Europe standards related to the treatment of offenders while in custody as well as in the community

  d. 16th Council of Europe Conference of Directors of Prison Administration (CDAP)

Information documents




Member states' replies to the Questionnaire regarding the implementation of the most recent Council of Europe standards related to the treatment of offenders while in custody as well as in the community (Please note the document is 124 pages long)

Summary of the replies

and its Summary


Working documents




Follow-up to the conclusions:

PC-CP (2011) 21

Discussion paper

CDPC (2011) 25

Platform for exchanging good practices between member states

  e. Elections

Working documents

CDPC (2011) 27

Election of new members of the PC-CP

PC-CP (2011) 14

History of the PC-CP

  4. Committee of experts on the operation of European conventions on co-operation in criminal matters (PC-OC)
  Working documents
PC-OC (2011) 13

List of Decisions of the 60th meeting of the PC-OC (17-19 May 2011)

PC-OC (2011) 27

List of Decisions of the 61st meeting of the PC-OC (22-24 November 2011)

PC-OC (2011) 4

Practical measures to facilitate the application of conventions on international cooperation in criminal matters

  a. Exchange of views with the Chairperson
  b. Consideration of the replies to the questionnaire on jurisdiction and transfer of proceedings and follow-up

Working documents

PC-OC (2011) 14 rev

Compendium of answers to the questionnaire (Please note the document is 121 pages long)

PC-OC (2011) 16 rev

Summary of replies to the questionnaire

  5. Dangerous offenders and preventive detention
  Working documents
PC-CP (2010) 10rev5

The sentencing, management and treatment of “dangerous” offenders

 CDPC-BU (2011) 5

Scope and “roadmap”

  6. Reform process in the Council of Europe – Future activities and priorities of the CDPC

Working documents


Letter to the Committee Chairpersons


New set-up for intergovernmental structures

CM(2011)48 rev

Priorities for 2012-2013 and their budgetary implications

Organisational chart

New organisational chart of DGI (Human Rights and Rule of Law)

  a. Future activities
CDPC (2011) 11

Discussion paper on the reform process of the Council of Europe - Future activities and priorities of the CDPC

  b. New Terms of Reference for the years 2012-2013 (CDPC, PC-OC, PC-CP)

Working documents


Resolution on intergovernmental committees and subordinate bodies, their terms of reference and working methods

Terms of reference

Terms of reference of the CDPC

Terms of reference

Terms of reference of the PC-CP

Terms of reference

Terms of reference of the PC-OC

  c. Elections

Working documents

CDPC (2011) 21

Election of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and members of the Bureau (including Gender Equality Rapporteur) of the CDPC


Representatives of the CDPC in other Council of Europe bodies (CEPEJ, CCJE, CCPE, GRECO, CODEXTER, MONEYVAL, CDCJ, T-CY, PC-CP, CDDH)

  7. The 31st Council of Europe Conference of Ministers of Justice (Vienna, September 2012)
  Working documents

Resolution on Council of Europe conferences of specialised ministers

CDPC (2011) 28

Proposed theme of the Conference

  8. Transnational and Organised crime
  Working documents
CDPC (2011) 20

Transnational and Organised crime - Possible activities under the aegis of the European Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC)

  9. Recommendations adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly at the October session requesting CDPC opinion
  Working documents
CDPC (2011) 22
Recommendation 1980 (2011)

Opinion on Recommendation on Combating “child abuse images” through committed, transversal and internationally co-ordinated action

CDPC (2011) 23
Recommendation 1981 (2011)

Opinion on Recommendation on Violent and extreme pornography

CDPC (2011) 24
Recommendation 1983 (2011)

Opinion on Recommendation on Abuse of state secrecy and national security as obstacles to parliamentary and judicial scrutiny of human rights violations

  10. Information points
  a. Promotion of the Integrity of Sport against the Manipulation of Results, notably match-fixing

Working documents

Recommendation CM/Rec(2011)10

Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member states on promotion of the integrity of sport against manipulation of results notably match-fixing

  b. Trafficking in organs

Working documents

Exec summary

Trafficking in organs executive summary


Additional opinion of the Steering Committee on Bioethics (CDBI), the European Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC), the European Committee on Transplantation of Organs (CD-P-TO) on “Identifying the main elements that could form part of a binding legal instrument against the trafficking in organs, tissues and cells (OTC)”

Terms of Reference

Terms of reference of the Committee of experts on trafficking in human organs (PC-TO)

  c. Cybercrime

Working documents

T-CY (2011) 6

List of decisions of the T-CY Bureau meeting, 20-21 September 2011

T-CY (2011) 10

List of decisions of the T-CY meeting, 23-24 November 2011

T-CY (2011) 3

Draft Opinion of the T-CY on the criteria and procedure to be followed, in conformity with Article 37 of the Convention, as regards accession of non-members of the Council of Europe to the Budapest Convention

  d. Medicrime

Working documents


Convention on the counterfeiting of medical products and similar crimes involving threats to public health

Explanatory Report

Explanatory Report

  e. Lanzarote Convention

Information document


State of signatures and ratifications

  f. Opinion of the CDPC on Criteria and procedure to be followed as regards the accession of non-member states to the Council of Europe to the conventions in criminal field

Working document

CDPC (2011) 7


  g. Reinforcing the effectiveness of Council of Europe treaty law
  h. Activities related to piracy

Working document


“The necessity to take additional international legal steps to deal with sea piracy” - Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1913 (2010): Reply adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 6 July 2011 at the 1118th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies.

  11. Any other business
  12. Date of the next CDPC Bureau and Plenary meetings