
Agora, Room G03, Strasbourg (France)

31 May-1 June 2016

  1. Opening of the meeting
  2. Adoption of the agenda
  3. Election of the Chairman of the PC-IBC
Recommendation CM Res (2011) 24 Resolution on intergovernmental committees and subordinate bodies, their terms of reference and working methods
  4. Information provided by the Secretariat
PC-IBC terms of reference For the years 2016 -2017
CDPC (2014) 14 rev3 Review of the Council of Europe conventions within the direct responsibility of the CDPC Abridged extract
  5. Discussion on the main elements to be included in the draft Council of Europe Convention on Offences Relating to Cultural Property
PC-IBC (2016) 01 Fin_en Discussion paper
PC-IBC (2016) 02_en Background paper
  6. Future work and activities of the PC-IBC
CDPC (2014) 17 Fin Model provisions for Council of Europe Criminal Law conventions
  7. Any other business
  8. Dates of the next meetings