CCPE country profile Russian Federation
CCPE member: Mr. Denis Grunis
Senior Assistant to Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation on Special Errands
National documents
- Constitution of the Russian Federation (see article 129)
- Federal law on the public prosecution system of the Russian Federation
Replies to CCPE questionnaires
You will find the original questionnaires which have been sent to the members on the page "Preliminary works" devoted to each of the opinions.
- Reply from the Russian Federation to the questionnaire on "The quality and efficiency of the work of prosecutors, including as regards the fight against organised crime and terrorism" (Opinion No. 11/2016)
- Reply from the Russian Federation to the questionnaire on the "Action of prosecutors within the framework of criminal investigation" (Opinion No. 10/2015)
- Reply from the Russian Federation to the questionnaire on relations between the prosecutors and the media (Opinion No. 8 / 2013)
- Reply from the Russian Federation to the questionnaire on "Management of the means of the prosecution services" (Opinion No. 7 / 2012)
- Reply from the Russian Federation to the questionnaire on "Relationships between prosecutors and prison administration" (Opinion No. 6 / 2011)
- Reply from the Russian Federation to the questionnaire on "The role of the public prosecution in the protection of human rights and public interests outside the criminal law field" (Opinion No 3 / 2008)
Translations of relevant documents
- Заключение № 14 (2019) КСЕП: «Роль прокуроров в борьбе с коррупцией и связанными с ней экономическими и финансовыми преступлениями» - Opinion No. 14 (2019): The role of prosecutors in fighting corruption and related economic and financial crime
- Заключение № 13 (2018) КСЕП: «Независимость, подотчетность и этика прокуроров» - Opinion No. 13 (2018): Independence, accountability and ethics of prosecutors
- Заключение КСЕП № 12 (2017) «О роли прокуроров в отношении прав потерпевших и свидетелей в уголовном процессе» - Opinion No. 12 (2017) on the role of prosecutors in relation to the rights of victims and witnesses in criminal proceedings
- Заключение № 11 (2016) по основным текущим проблемам в борьбе с терроризмом и организованной преступностью, принятое КСЕП на 11-м пленарном заседании - Opinion No. 11 (2016) on the quality and efficiency of the work of prosecutors, including when fighting terrorism and serious and organised crime
- Заключение № 10 (2015) «О роли прокуроров в расследовании преступлений» - Opinion No. 10 (2015) on "The role of prosecutors in criminal investigations"Заключение № 9 (2014) «О европейских нормах и принципах, касающихся прокуроров» - Opinion No. 9 (2014) on "European norms and principles concerning prosecutors"
- Заключение № 8 (2013) «О взаимоотношениях между прокурорами и средствами массовой информации» - Opinion No. 8 (2013) on "Relations between prosecutors and the media"
- Заключение № 7 (2012) «Об управлении ресурсами прокурорской службы» - Opinion No. 7 (2012) on the "Management of the means of Prosecution services"
- Заключение № 6 (2011) «О взаимоотношениях между прокурорами и администрацией пенитенциарных учреждений» - Opinion No. 6 (2011) on the "Relationship between prosecutors and the prison administration"
- Заключение № 5 (2010) «О роли прокуратуры при осуществлении правосудия в отношении несовершеннолетних» - Opinion No. 5 (2010) on the "Role of public prosecution and juvenile justice"
- Заключение № 4 (2009) «О взаимоотношениях судей и прокуроров» - Opinion No. 4 (2009) on the relations between Judges and Prosecutors in a democratic society
- Заключение № 3 (2008) «О роли прокуратуры вне уголовно-правовой сферы» - Opinion No. 3 (2008) on the "Role of prosecution services outside the Criminal Law Field"
- Заключение № 2 (2008) «О мерах, альтернативных уголовному преследованию» - Opinion No. 2 (2008) on "Alternatives to prosecution"
- Заключение № 1 (2007) «О путях совершенствования международного сотрудничества в сфере уголовного правосудия» - Opinion No. 1 (2007) on "Ways to improve international co-operation in the criminal justice field"
- О роли прокуратуры вне системы уголовного правосудия (Non official Russian translation of Recommendation СM/Rec(2012)11 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the role of public prosecution outside the criminal justice system)
- О роли прокуратуры в системе уголовного правосудия (Non official Russian translation of Recommendation CM/Rec(2000)19 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the role of public prosecution in the criminal justice system)