Assistant Chief Prosecutor
Born: 1959, Dublin.
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Infirmary Road, Dublin 7
Peter McCormick is a solicitor and is part of the senior management team in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in Dublin. Peter is the head of the unit in the Directing Division specialising in prosecuting corruption, human trafficking, cartels/competition, sea fishery and various other indictable crimes.
Since 2006 Peter has represented the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in Ireland on the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE). In December 2016, following a term as a member of its Bureau from 2014-2016, Peter was elected President of the CCPE.
During 2014-2016 Peter was a member of:
An Ad Hoc Working Group of the CCPE, set up in response to a request by the State Prosecutors’ Office of Montenegro, reviewing compliance with international standards.
The working party of the CCPE and Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE) which, following a request from the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, prepared a “comprehensive review of the main challenges for judicial impartiality and independence in the member states”.
The Bureau which issued the “Declaration of the CCPE on communications relating to alleged threats to the impartial and efficient functioning of the prosecution service in Turkey” and a statement, following the attempted military coup in Turkey, calling on the Turkish political authorities to respect the rule of law and individual fundamental rights in accordance with the European Convention on Human Rights.
Peter has addressed a wide range of domestic and international bodies both in Ireland and abroad on various topics relevant to the role of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, as well as fostering awareness of the role of the CCPE within that Office.
Prior to joining the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in 1993, Peter worked for a number of years in the Property Law Department of Matheson, a leading Irish corporate law firm and in the Legal Department of Woodchester Credit Lyonnais Bank Ltd in Dublin.
1977-1980: Bachelor of Civil Law, University College Dublin
1980-1983: Qualification as Solicitor, Law Society of Ireland
1981-1983: Diploma in European Law, University College Dublin
Professional Experience:
1980-1983: Trainee solicitor, James Fagan and Co, Dublin