Antonio Mura – Biography
After having been public prosecutor in Livorno and then judge of the criminal court of Florence, Antonio Mura was elected as a member of the “Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura”, the Italian High Council of the Judiciary (years 1994-1998). In that role he has also been President of the Commission for the evaluation of the professional skills of judges and public prosecutors and President of the Commission for judicial reforms.
In the years 1998-2014 he worked as Deputy Prosecutor General at the “Corte di cassazione” (the Italian Supreme Court). The criminal cases dealt with in this capacity include several mafia cases (against the top management of criminal organizations from Sicily and other parts of Southern Italy, as well as the perpetrators of several murders, also of judges and public prosecutors), terrorism (attacks committed by the so-called Red Brigades, with murders of policemen), bribery, kidnappings, human trafficking etc. For several years he was also the Secretary-General of the General Prosecution Office at the Italian Supreme Court.
From 2014 to 2017 he was Head of the Department for Justice Affairs at the Italian Ministry of Justice. In this capacity he coordinated all the Italian representatives of the Ministry during the semester of Italian Presidency of the EU, chairing also the Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) between EU and USA (Rome, September 2014).
In December 2017 he was appointed as Prosecutor General at the Court of Appeal of Venice. In September 2020 he has been appointed as Prosecutor General at the Court of Appeal of Rome.
Frequently invited as a speaker at international congresses, he is author of books and articles on criminal justice, judicial organization and ethics, published both in Italian and in foreign legal reviews.
On November 14th, 2012 –on the occasion of the world meeting of judges held in Washington, DC (USA)– he was awarded the title of Honorary President of the International Association of Judges (which encompasses today national associations of judges from 80 countries).
On November 27th, 2012, in Strasbourg (France), he was elected (and re-elected the following year) President of the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE), set up by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.
On September 18th, 2018, he was appointed by the EU Council, on a proposal by the European Commission and the European Parliament, as a member of the Selection Panel responsible for the evaluation of the candidates for the positions of European Chief Prosecutor and of European Prosecutors (EPPO).