Human Rights Comment

For the rights of the living, for the dignity of the dead – Time to end the plight of missing migrants in Europe

29/09/2022 Strasbourg

Bereavement in their death to feel Whom we have never seen — A Vital Kinsmanship import Our Soul and theirs — between — For Stranger — Strangers do not mourn (Emily Dickinson) A few lines of poetry hang on the entrance of the graveyard of the island of Lampedusa, Italy’s southernmost point,...

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Human Rights Comments

Corruption undermines human rights and the rule of law

19/01/2021 Strasbourg

In recent years, in many European countries, including Romania, Malta, the Republic of Moldova, Bulgaria, the Slovak Republic and Ukraine, people have taken to the streets in protests against systemic corruption, demanding respect for the rule of law, accountability of corrupt politicians and a...

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Human Rights Comment

Learning from the pandemic to better fulfil the right to health

23/04/2020 Strasbourg

The COVID-19 pandemic has concentrated minds about the resilience of our health care systems and it is challenging member states’ health policies and their effectiveness. In addition, doctors, medical staff and health care staff are under unprecedented pressure. Do we have sufficient medical...

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Human Rights Comment

Time to deliver on commitments to protect people on the move from human trafficking and exploitation

12/09/2019 Strasbourg

Few human rights violations are so universally condemned by Council of Europe member states as the exploitation of the most vulnerable. As a result, year on year, the fight against trafficking in human beings or the eradication of what some call modern slavery is gaining in prominence on their...

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Human Rights Comment

Open minds are needed to improve the protection of LGBTI asylum seekers in Europe

11/10/2018 Strasbourg

In many states around the world, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons face serious violations of their human rights on account of their sexual orientation, gender identity or sex characteristics. These include killings, violence, the criminalisation of same-sex...

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Human Rights Comment

Ending restrictions on family reunification: good for refugees, good for host societies

26/10/2017 Strasbourg

Many refugees have to leave family members behind when they flee their homes. This adds more hardship to the trauma of exile. Once they have found safety in Europe, being reunited with their family members is often the first priority of refugees. It takes little imagination to realise how...

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Human Rights Comment

High time for states to invest in alternatives to migrant detention

31/01/2017 Strasbourg

The use of migrant detention across Europe, whether for the purpose of stopping asylum seekers and other migrants entering a country or for removing them, has long been a serious human rights concern. I have repeatedly spoken out against the pan-European trend of criminalisation of asylum seekers...

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Human Rights Comment

Migrants in limbo in Europe have the right to live in dignity

15/11/2016 Strasbourg

In some countries, they call them “invisible persons”, in others – “ghosts”. Throughout Europe there are many migrants, primarily rejected asylum seekers, who live in a state of protracted legal and social limbo without any long-term prospects. The authorities refuse to regularize them or to...

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Human Rights Comment

Human rights of refugee and migrant women and girls need to be better protected

07/03/2016 Strasbourg

For the first time since the beginning of the refugee and migrant crisis in Europe, women and children on the move outnumber adult men. While in 2015 about 70 % of the population on the move were men, women and children now make up nearly 60% of refugees and other migrants crossing into Europe....

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Human Rights Comment

Improving protection for victims of forced labour and human trafficking

12/11/2015 Strasbourg

Everyone in Europe - children, women and men - should be protected from forced labour and trafficking in human beings, two serious human rights violations. The latest International Labour Organisation (ILO) estimates indicate some 20.9 million people around the world still being subjected to...

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