The Project “Strengthening the Capacity of the High School of Justice of Georgia” aims to institutionally strengthen the School by developing new modules and curricula, delivering the needs based training and improving the content of an internship program. This Project is funded by voluntary contributions of Bulgaria, Liechtenstein, Norway, Slovakia and Sweden to support the implementation of the Council of Europe Action plan for Georgia 2016-2019.

The Project was launched in November 2016. Project aims to:

  • Strengthen the organisational capacity of the HSoJ to deliver high quality in-service training for judges and court staff.
  • Upgrade the in-service curriculum in line with the targets of the Opinion CCJE (2003)4 of the Consultative Council of European Judges.
  • Improve structure, design and implementation of the internship programme during the initial training for judicial candidates.

Main Partner: High School of Justice of Georgia.

The Project additionally co-operates with different state and non-governmental institutions, international and donor organisations, working in the field of justice system in Georgia.

Office in Georgia

64b Chavchavadze Ave. 14th Floor
Tbilisi 0179, Georgia

+99532 2913870/ 71/ 72