Within the framework of Higher and further Education, the Education Department is carrying out projects and initiatives in the following areas:

Higher education and research 

Higher education plays a crucial role in developing the democratic culture without which democratic institutions and laws will not function in practice.

Recognition of qualifications 

Qualifications, which reflect the knowledge, understanding, ability to do and willingness to do (or abstain from doing) developed through an education programme, are also described at national level through national qualifications frameworks. These are tools for transparency, comparability and compatibility between education systems, including at higher education level.

European Qualifications Passport for Refugees (EQPR) 

The EQPR is a Council of Europe initiative supported by partners from ten countries and the UNHCR aiming at facilitating the recognition of refugees’ qualifications even in the absence of full documentation. The EQPR is a document that can be used by refugees when they seek to enter the job market or to access further studies.



Supporting an efficient national mechanism of recognition of refugees qualifications in Italy 

The project is co-funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument, and implemented by the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the European Commission. 

The general objective of the project is to support Italian authorities in their efforts to design and foster reforms for recognising refugees’ qualifications through the development of a national coordination mechanism within public sectors, in and beyond academia. 


Ethics, transparency and integrity in education (ETINED) 

There is currently worldwide concern over corruption in education. This concern touches all Member States and all levels of education. While some forms of corruption may be difficult to evaluate or quantify, no country today can claim to be totally exempt from corruption in the education sector.The Council of Europe Platform on Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in Education (ETINED) will try to address this challenge through a genuinely European dialogue and by drawing upon the materials and norms developed by the Council of Europe over the years.

Best Practice Programme in Promoting Academic Integrity 

Based on the ETINED principles, the Programme aims at identifying, publicly recognising and disseminating relevant practices in promoting academic integrity throughout higher education institutions in Europe. Public and private higher education institutions recognised as belonging to the education system of one of the 50 States parties to the European Cultural Convention, as well as Student unions associated with higher education institutions, have the opportunity to apply to a public call, published every two years, to promote and disseminate relevant practices in promoting academic integrity.